Entire Contents Copyright © 2005 • APT Publishing Ministries • All Rights Reserved

March 2005                    Passover Issue                    Volume 1, No. 2

A Message From the Publisher:

    This is Hank Scott for The PURE TRUTH Restored...

    Some of you who are visiting this site probably think, "Not another religious site!," and others may be looking to debunk, to build up their own egos, or to push their own ideas and agendas on their own religious sites.

    If you are one of these, I caution you to stop, and reconsider your course in life.   Because The PURE TRUTH Restored is so much more than a mere religious faction, a cult, or a fringe idea.

    The PURE TRUTH is, in fact, a way of life that will alone help you to survive the very difficult times that lie immediately ahead.   How do I know this?

    Probably the same way that I often know what some of our children are thinking (those who have experienced this often know the truth of what I am saying, and I even kid with them about being "inside my head").  Or perhaps it is the same Spirit by which I have actually foretold some major events before they happened.

    A short list of these includes:

  • The first gulf war, a year before it happened.

  • The Challenger Space Shuttle disaster, 10 days prior to that event.

  • The 9-11 attack on the World Trade Towers and Pentagon, in articles published in a newspaper three days prior to, and in an email the day before, it transpired, with references to September 11th, "hijack," "sabotage" (in case you have been conned by our government into believing anyone other than our own military, president, vice-president and other would-be conspirators were involved), "emergency 911" and even "gone to ground and burned out" were made.

  • A premonition of the Oklahoma City federal building bombing at the very moment it occurred, while on a food shopping trip to Austin, Texas, causing me to detour off the main route and head straight to the Alamo in San Antonio, more than 150 miles off our usual 200 plus mile round trip every other week, where I first learned of the disaster when I called home to surprise my wife.   The Alamo was attacked and destroyed by Mexican federales, just as the Oklahoma City bombing was far more than a mere ammonia-nitrate fuel truck bomb (which failed to also destroy trees or the building closer to it, across the street from the federal building).

  • I was also forewarned, in a dream vision, of pending deaths in my own family, shortly before both my grandmother and mother passed away that same year.

    Furthermore, in 1985, hopefully to bring about a sense of humility and repentance in Americans, I prayed for a nationwide drought upon the United States, and there was a general drought condition in the continental states, from California to the East Coast states, over the following three-and-one-half years.

    Then, because a false prophet was claiming, at that time, that this drought would last seven years, and end in the Savior's second coming, I prayed for that drought to end as a sign of my calling and to witness against this false minister, and after receiving a sign the drought was indeed going to end, I boldly prophesied this fact, and the drought ended.

    But most of those who knew first hand of these prophecies given through myself -- including some of my own children -- have failed to heed, or even take notice of the fact that a higher power was indeed, and is, at work behind this flawed servant called to proclaim The PURE TRUTH Restored.

    And while some will superstitiously and slanderously accuse it, and myself, of being some sort of "devilish" or "evil" ministry, you are cautioned not to judge by accusations, slanders or libels, but rather by whether or not what is said here conforms with the true historical and scriptural facts.

    For all those whose hearts maintain a less than humble, repentant attitude, be forewarned that by coming here you have come into the presence of a heavenly power far above all the pretenders to that position here on earth, whose judgment of the wicked is not asleep, and whose mighty arm will carry forward His purpose despite all the slanders and lies of false accusers and adversaries, who seek only their own glory and honor, something they do not deserve and cannot maintain.

    If you discover herein wisdom beyond the human ability to invent, distort or fabricate -- if you see here at work a Spirit that transcends mere human understanding, cleverness or intuition -- then you are invited to overlook this all-too-human messenger, and grasp what our Creator personally wants you to know, understand, absorb and learn.

    I sincerely hope that this issue, and everything else you find here, will help you do just that, as we all seek a way to survive this war-torn age as our wicked world rushes toward the ultimate Day of Judgment, and inevitable Armageddon.

    You are admonished to change your ways, and seek first the Kingdom that swiftly approaches, that is coming to supplant all imperfect human-devised governments, and their continual and deepening insecurities, with real and lasting peace, for all those who survive!

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Entire Contents Copyright © 2005 • APT Publishing Ministries • All Rights Reserved