The PURE TRUTH Restored                          Vol. 1, No. 4


(Originally published in: The Ephesian Messenger, issue No. 5, July 31, 1998)

    MOST school children are literally inundated and immersed with evolutionary propaganda long before they have developed the mental capacity to logically analyze the facts. Here's a revealing second look at the theory that its promoters hold as a tenet of faith, regardless of what the facts actually prove!


HEORIES are a lot like learning to cook, not very good until practice, effort and experience teach us how to do it better.   Imagine a would-be "cook" who decides their first efforts -- burned, over-spiced, or mis-measured though they may be -- are perfection, and that anyone who disagrees is "obviously" lacking in mental ability.

    Yet that is precisely how the theory of evolution has always been taught, accepted, believed and promoted.   Why?   Simply because this was the only way the absence of any rational and careful acceptance and examination of all the facts could be justified: a necessity if any alternative to religious belief in creationism could initially be given any air of authority and supposed relevance.

    As we will soon see, examining the rational facts, this theory deserves only ridicule and rejection.   It has never adequately explained any of the true facts of a wonderfully complex and marvelously interconnected, fully functioning creation, and because it is a theory hopelessly in conflict with the facts.

    Facts and theories are like the steel girders out of which modern high-rise buildings are constructed, you cannot make one without the other.   Still, evolutionary doctrine has been built out of partial facts, misinterpreted and misapplied facts, and even totally fictional "facts," when no real facts could be found, and yet has resisted all attempts to check its false conclusions with true rational facts that literally cry out "fraud," "deception" and "false" at every turn.

    For instance, when tested in an historic court battle, evolution lost its case for lack of evidence.   Yet a popular movie based on that very trial made it appear that just the opposite took place!

Corrupting History

    Evolution couldn't win in a setting where facts and proof are considered sacrosanct, so it "won" its case in the fictional "court" of Hollywood-influenced public opinion.   In real life, in the famous "Scopes' Monkey trial," John Scopes was convicted, but was later released by the Tennessee state Supreme Court on a technicality.

    The law under which he was tried remained on the statute books, a clear indication that no court involved in this case ever found that decision unconstitutional.

    But if you ever saw the movie "Inherit the Wind," starring Spencer Tracy as defense attorney Clarence Darrow (under a different name in the movie), you would think Scopes was acquitted and that the famed "Monkey Trial" exonerated evolution and "proved" it valid, and also "proved" creationism is "fiction."

    Such is the power of myth taught as "fact" to impressionable young minds, that most people today believe evolution to be true, and they have only contempt or ridicule for anyone who believes in any form of creationism.

    And evolutionists need all the haughty scorn they can muster, for without it they are soon forced to face the facts that undeniably prove that their entire belief system has been built like a house of cards on a wind-swept ship, that threatens to capsize with every wave of realization, driven home by the rational facts that cannot be gainsaid, only avoided a little while longer.

    Evolutionists are a lot like sailors trying to bail out a sinking ship -- by making new holes, spurting steady streams of water, to "drain" the water already on board, or with small buckets that have no bottoms -- while their ship cracks up under the relentlessly pressing waves!

Have You Ever Seen Devolution?

    The following is a prime example of how the theory of evolution simply doesn't hold water.   The entire false argument of evolution has been hung by the wires of false "facts" and has been propped up on largely hidden suppositions and a complete misinterpretation of historical and even contemporary facts.

    Without these unwarranted "supports" this theory would quickly sink like the "lead weight" it is, in an apropos watery grave befitting its clownish attempts to "explain" the origin of life as we know it.

    For example, lack of exercise or movement due to modern conveniences leads eventually to ill health, and eventually death, not evolutionary change!   Here is how "adaptation" has utterly failed to exhibit itself in our modern world, proving for good that so-called "natural selection" is really nothing more than the process of genetic selection from already existing genes, and is not the result of presumed "evolutionary change," that is falsely accepted as "fact" by most so-called "scientists."

No Evolutionary Adaptation!

    The modern environment of restricted movement, sitting for long periods of time in front of televisions, computers and movie screens, for instance, has led to serious detrimental consequences for the normally versatile human musculoskeletal system.

    Primary muscles necessary to maintain an upright posture for standing and walking have atrophied, their role having been assumed by peripheral muscles not well adapted to keeping Homo sapiens upright.

    Though this seems to be an adjustment to the modern environment it is anything but an evolutionary (or devolutionary) change that suits the environment.

    Instead, it has literally pulled our bodies "out of joint," leading to serious dysfunctions of not only the major and also the peripheral muscles, but of every part of the skeletal system and also of the internal organs it protects.

    This has created entire lifetimes full of pain and incapacitation, injury, illness, confinement, disease and even death, for countless hapless but willing victims who have virtually incarcerated themselves in self-created prisons of lethargy and inactivity.

Evil-utionary Thinking

    The human body was made for movement, which is what makes our life's blood flow through our veins, keeping us healthy, fit and free from illness and disease.

    Medical treatment does little or nothing to ease the suffering we bring upon ourselves by our own lack of exercise, inaction or lack of movement as simple as walking from one place to another.

    Consequently, people deceive themselves that they were "born that way," or that "the contemporary epidemic of chronic pain," according to one noted author on the subject, is just the supposed "natural state of things."

    Which, according to the same author: "is the equivalent of saying 'I was born without the need for oxygen' or 'Gravity just doesn't apply to me'" (Pete Egoscue, PAIN FREE; 1998, Bantam Books, p.15).

    However this anatomical physiologist, like most scientists who swallow and parrot evolutionary dogma, nevertheless has to admit: "When it comes to the musculoskeletal system, we're not the ones who make the rules.   All the body's organs, its bones and muscles, are already governed by a coherent, comprehensive canon of rules.   We can only understand and follow them" (op. cit.).

    In other words, though he might be loathe to admit the obvious implication of this fact, this situation proves there is no such thing as so-called "evolutionary adaptation," and that there must be a rule Creator, for chaos never has and never could create order!

    Due to their evil-utionary way of thinking most scientists, particularly in the field of so-called medicine, have failed to answer our needs for a pain-free and joyful lifestyle, and even this maverick must admit that his discoveries are heretical to the medical profession:

    "As basic as that may sound, it is a radical proposition in light of an attitude that presupposes that medical science can substitute its own notions of how the musculoskeletal system operates.   We don't need a new and improved [sic] musculoskeletal system.   The old one would work just fine, if we let it" (op.cit.).

    The presumption that science can improve upon the nature of creation (can go one better than the Creator who made us and everything we see), or can create something "new" under the sun that is truly good, is one of the worst egotistical signs of a vainglorious humanity that presumes to disbelieve their Creator "out of existence," so that we can supposedly overrule His orderly creation with seeming impunity.

    Instead, those who believe this have brought upon themselves, and everyone foolish enough to esteem and follow them in this carnal error, a bumper harvest of pain, suffering, debility and death such as the world has never seen before, and (thankfully) will never see again, once humanity has learned its lesson and returned to an unadulterated, pure belief in the true Creator of heaven and earth!

Intelligent Creative Design

    At every turn, in their investigations into the nature of our bodies and how we interact with our environment, scientist are confronted with evidence they tend to ignore, overlook, disparage, or distort; evidence that proves an intelligent creative hand formed us, shaped us, and made us what we are, according to a purposeful pattern or intelligent design.

    It is this design, once we discover and adhere to it, which is the answer to all the problems we face in this life.   For example, in learning how to overcome the debilitating effects of our modern lifestyles, Egoscue found that:

    "There is motion and there is design motion. Only design motion restores health.   Motion that is at odds with the design is, at best, wasted; at worst, harmful.   It is possible to systematically restore functions that will result in proper movement and in the maintenance of a fully functional musculoskeletal system -- and in being pain free….

    "The eight laws of physical health constitute a checklist that we can all use....   When one or more of the eight laws doesn't square with the effects of the ["health"] product, something is wrong" (ibid., p. 27).

    Despite the careful thought that obviously went into designing the laws and functions of the human body, this scientist misstates the facts when, for instance, he notes that: "The ankle is a perfectly evolved mechanism for bipedal motion, in all of its variations and demands.   By using the attributes of a hinge and a lever, it is capable of doing three things at once: bearing weight, moving weight, and managing high impact" (ibid., p. 61).

    To be consistent, Egoscue should have said; "a perfectly designed mechanism," just as he goes on to use an analogy befitting this concept: "Ideally, the load-bearing joints achieve full strength when they all are engaged together as a single unit, much like a well-made dining room chair.   With its four sturdy legs, the chair will support guests for many years.   But if people thoughtlessly tip it back onto its two rear legs often enough, it may start wobbling and ultimately collapse altogether.   Similarly, left to themselves, the body's load-bearing joints lose the benefit of their combined strength when they do not function together....   The load isn't distributed evenly among the eight joints; the pressure bears down on some of them in isolation.   It only stands to reason that as this occurs, the ankle, bearing as much weight and impact as it does, gets hurt often" (ibid., pp. 61-62).

    It also stands to reason that none of this was designed by blind chance, but rather is the result of carefully planned and perfectly executed creative design!

"Fearfully and Wonderfully Made"

    When the scientist admits: "Every joint thus has a certain amount of internal and external play built into it to accommodate rotational demand" (ibid., p. 81), he is unknowingly admitting that a supreme builder or architect designed and built this functionality into the human body, and that this incredible organic "machinery" is living proof of the existence of this highly intelligent Creator Being, who made mankind in His own image and patterned us after the likeness of His perfect form.

    In its diseased imagination, science has fictionalized the fact of a Creator, and science-fiction authors have often postulated that "if" there really is some supernatural power behind the world as we know it, that it is just some willful, cruel "child" of a "highly evolved" species that is "toying" with humanity, often petulantly and destructively.

    The truth of the matter is that it is scientific, evolution-minded mankind that is playing "almighty" in the willful, cruel, petulant, and often destructive manner of a rebellious child; that is toying with life itself, without any understanding of the real nature of creation, or the rules of life by which we must all abide if we wish to continue our existence from one day to the next in any semblance of normalcy.

    Those anthropologists who picture ancient human kind as some sort of ape-like creature that supposedly first developed key human social characteristics when it brought food to its mouth rather than its mouth to the food (op. cit., p. 143), have failed to explain either why apes and other similar anthropoids have not "developed" any further than they supposedly already have, or why humanity is failing to adapt to our new environment of spare-time luxury, "convenience" and limited movement.

    Ignoring this evidence of their misguided and distorted belief system, and of the existence of an intelligent, merciful Creator, evolution-worshiping scientists only dig the hole of their own self-imposed ignorance all the deeper.

Science Against Nature

    The deeper they are in this rut of their own design and making, curiously, the more "on top of the world" scientists falsely believe themselves to be!

    For instance, the deplorable state of human nutrition (if it could honestly be called such anymore) is one of the key failings of modern evil-utionary science, and particularly medical science.

    Only 7 out of 126 (less than 6%) of all medical schools in the United States, for example, even offer any kind of course on nutrition (those that do only make nutrition an OPTIONAL course), though it should be obvious to everyone that we grow, move, and even grow decrepit, wither and eventually die, all based mainly on what we eat!

    It is obvious that animals in the wild, such as dogs and cats, when sick, know how to seek and find whatever plant, leaf, bark or berry they intuitively know that they must eat to heal themselves and get better.

    Yet when scientists study these same animals for their medical research, they are almost always kept in laboratory cages, where the test animals are forced to eat only what they're given.

    And these test results are considered conclusive "evidence," despite the clearly unnatural circumstances under which they are conducted.   Clearly pompous, pagan science (which is actually an evolution-based religious belief system) is foolishly presumptuous!

    It is also obvious that science is mainly interested only in the facts that seem to support its corrupt evil-utionary premises, and will not admit or allow the truth -- which should be the object of any true inquiry or investigation -- to uncloud its misjudgements.

Man-Made Mayhem

    The lack of nutritional training in medical schools is the equivalent of leaving basic math out of a course in astronomy or physics, for instance; except that in no other profession do so many lives, and the quality of life itself, hang in the balance!

    This is something far worse than mere criminal neglect. It is reprehensible quackery at its most harmful and destructive level imaginable.

    Science decrees that a man-made formula is the equivalent of mother's milk, for instance, and then medical missionaries pursuing the supposed goal of "the betterment of mankind" convince poor third-world mothers to stop breast-feeding and use formula instead.

    The resultant pandemic malnutrition, resulting in deformities and starvation of children is then blamed on "poverty."   But the truth is that, once the mothers cease lactating, they have nothing else but formula to feed their babies; formula that cannot replace the much needed nutrition found in simple mother's milk!

    This leads inevitably to a "bonanza" of hapless surgery victims, ready fodder for medical experimentation on fellow human beings, the results of which sometimes rivals the worst atrocities alleged to have taken place during World War II.

    Attempts at birth control through unnatural so-called "family planning" sex-devices, such as diaphragms and condoms, has led instead to a glut of immoral sexual activity amongst children barely out of Kindergarten, and has resulted in epidemics of sexually-transmitted diseases -- some of which are literally life-threatening plagues -- unwanted pregnancies, and fatherless illegitimate children (or even worse yet, countless millions of infanticide abortions).

    This is a prime example of the "benefits" modern science has bequeathed to this generation, but it has far worse things in store for humanity, from deadly viral plagues to human cloning to harvest body parts.   Such atrocities as assisted suicides and germ warfare are tame compared to what science threatens to unleash upon the world's inhabitants in the years just ahead!

    This is what results from men playing "almighty," which is the inevitable fruit of the false secular-religious belief known as "evolution,"

    "Survival of the fittest" implies violence, mayhem and destruction to those misjudged as being "weaker," and will eventually result in euthanasia of the old, young, or anyone in between declared "deficient" in any way science deems and decrees, in its diseased and insane megalomania.

    Irradiating all healthy as well as possibly harmful organisms out of our produce, science seeks to give us lifeless, worthless "foods" that will only create an epidemic of the malnutrition disease know as cancer!

The SCIENCE of Good and Evil!

    Everywhere it turns, from pesticides in our foods and chemical stews unsuspecting farmers use for "fertilizer," to deliberately contaminated (AIDS) vaccines for "population reduction," science threatens the very life and livelihood of every human being and creature on this planet.

    Never before in human history has it been possible to destroy all life off this planet in more ways than we care to count, all thanks to "modern" science.

    The word science, after all, means knowledge, so it was the tree of the SCIENCE of good and evil from which Adam and Eve ate in the Garden of Eden, that started humanity on its slippery slide down the slope of sin and death that it has followed ever since!

    This is exactly the opposite of Intelligent creation (the tree of Life), which is why "evolutionary" theory posits an entirely different (fictional) source for life as we know it on planet earth.

    When it comes to choosing which "savior" you'll ultimately follow, which would you rather trust your life and your posterity to, the "deans" of evolution, or the intelligent Creator?   A Creator who made us all in His image; whose patient compassion is about to end along with the lives of every evil, evolution-minded, unrepentant scientist and their cronies in governments around the world; along with all unrepentant, supportive apologists of their nefarious schemes to ruin the face of the earth in the name of "modern science."

    There really is nothing "new" or modern" about this ages-old knowledge of good and evil that has resulted in so much death and destruction down through the ages that no generation has ever survived its wicked influence!

Mankind's Only Real Hope

    Thankfully, an intelligent, all-wise and merciful Creator has the answers, and will bring back to life every human being who has ever existed in an incredible resurrection from the dead, where He will sift the good from the evil and will forever destroy the wicked out of our midst.

    Only then will humanity finally be able to find and live at peace, in total security and joyfulness, without fear and without hidden, evil consequences.

    Now that you know the true future of science, which will you choose, evolution or the intelligent Creator who is calling you to come out of this evil system and be separate from it; so that you won't have to suffer the plagues, or receive the judgment that is coming, decreed for all who refuse to abandon this bestial system?

A Life or Death Choice!

    Attempting to deny the existence of an intelligent Creator, faced with all the evidence of intelligent purpose in Creation -- such as the "ingenious design" of the human foot, "based on two simple arches, one longitudinal and the other transverse" (op. cit., p. 44) -- is like trying to deny the existence of gravity, though no one has actually seen it or observed how it works!

    Yet we know that gravity exists, and air exists, and magnetism exists, because we see how they effect us and everything around us, even though we don't always see them.   Why, then, is it so difficult for some to admit that an intelligent Creator, and not the unseen, never truly documented theory of "evolution," is the original source of "nature," and of all life, on our planet?

    Choosing to believe in the Creator over evolution is the same exact thing as choosing life over death!   Which will you choose to believe?   Your choice will determine which of these end results will be your final, ultimate inheritance!

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