The PURE TRUTH Restored                          Vol. 1, No. 5

"Differentiation (or: Viva le Difference)"

F there is one thing we see, from the smallest subatomic force to the far reaches of creation, it is the differentiating hand of our provident Creator.   Free moral agency -- or the right to be individualistic -- is just one of many forms that differentiation is seen.

    Beginning with the Creator, we see that they are differentiated into the Father (the Sacred Spirit) Yahveh and His Son Yahvsave, the Messiah (e.g. King of kings, Sovereign of sovereigns, and Highest Priest of Levitical priests).

All The Different Species

    In the creation of life on earth we see the differentiation into insect, animal and human kinds, just as the messengers (angels or aliens) are also divided into many different species (cf. for instance, the four living creatures -- each with a different likeness -- lion, ox, man and eagle -- before the throne of Sovereign Yahveh in heaven; Ezekiel 1:4-6, 10, 10:14; Revelation 4:6-8; esp. verse 7).

    In turn, insects are differentiated into many different kinds, from those that creep to the ones that can fly, and animals are likewise differentiated into different kinds, such as fowl, aquatic and land-based varieties (the last two of these being further differentiated into fish or reptile and mammal).

    Each of these forms of creation are further differentiated into their various kinds, or subspecies (cf. Genesis 1:21, 24-25).   And life on this earth was further differentiated into creatures that move and plants, trees or vegetation that is rooted in the earth, with each of these further divided into their various kinds (cf. Genesis 1:11-12).

    Even humanity was differentiated, first into male and female (Genesis 2:18, 21-22), and then later into the various races, languages and nations of the earth (Genesis 9:18-19, 11:1-9).

Celebrating Difference!

    In all these ways, and many more, we see the differentiating hand of our Sovereign Creators at work.   Why, then, does modern stubbornly rebellious humanity strive to erase all such distinctions, separations and differentiations?

    Whether through miscegenation, or by attempts to erase national boundaries, sovereign laws, and individualized customs to enforce an attempted world governance (which will turn into mankind's worst nightmare), to genetically manipulating and modifying the genes of living organisms -- not forgetting the many attempts to erase all distinctions between the sexes -- wicked "scientific" modern mankind seeks to overthrow our Creator's orderly and perfect will.

    And all these meddlers have to offer in its place is destructive chaos and a melting pot, or potpourri (literally: "rotten pot") of genetically corrupted garbage and carnage.

    Rather than give in to this "status quo," we would be far better advised to celebrate the differences we see everywhere as the perfect expression of our Creator's firm and benevolent perfect will, rather than as a prime sore spot with which we rebelliously wish to differ!

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