The PURE TRUTH Restored                          Vol. 1, No. 6

"How Well-Educated Are You, Really?"

HERE is a gaping flaw in modern education -- even (or especially) so-called "higher" education -- a missing dimension in learning that is a harbinger of the eventual breakdown of social order, leading to mass chaos, death, destruction and upheaval on a global scale never before seen in our war-wearied world.

    Can you put your finger on what you haven't been taught, that will so drastically affect your life, and the lives of everyone you know, in the years and decades immediately ahead?

    How can someone know about anything of which they are ignorant?   And how can anyone not be ignorant of what they have never been taught?

    Yet today, there is a near universal illiteracy, an ignorance that is growing like an oil spill on a once pristine shore, where all the life forms are engulfed in a smothering, life-threatening substance so foreign, adverse and pervasive that most are destroyed, and many threatened with annihilation, suddenly and (seemingly) without warning.

    The illiterati are among us, and you might well be one of their vast number!

Educational Turning Points

    In my generation -- in which I graduated from the last high school class of the 60's -- there came a turning or tipping point in education in America.

    Thereafter, the quality of teachers -- mistaught by the previous generation of educators -- and as a result, the quality of education itself, was drastically lowered, along with admission standards at most institutions of alleged "higher" learning.

    Of my five brothers and two surviving sisters (only one of whom was older than myself), none aspired to any education beyond high school, and most barely passed that educational hurdle, and then only with the "help" of extra years or "summer school" and a GED (General Education Development, or General Equivalency Diploma).

    In my family, none but myself aspired to any further, or "higher" education.   As the literally thousands of books, correspondence courses, and electronic "books" that presently clutter our home and our computer hard drives attest (with hundreds more books and courses in storage), and the fact that my wife and I have been home school educators for more than a quarter century now amply testifies, my hunger and quest for knowledge was (and is still) insatiable and unquenchable.

Signs and Symptoms

    My wife is a college graduate, but I walked away from a possible college diploma after three years, to take up my further studies in the "college of hard knocks," as it has been known, or the real world.

    Since the 70s my wife and I have noticed a declining educational standard -- along with a lowering of admission standards -- at these institutions of "higher" learning, which has every earmark of eventually leading (or has already led) America into the twilight years of its existence.

    Recent wars and threats of further conflicts, flaws (false laws), and corrupt legal rulings will succeed in destroying the remaining economic and commercial underpinnings and foundation of this once great country -- not to mention entire generations of young "cannon fodder" already being shipped home for burial -- along with much of what we like to think of as "the civilized world" today.

    If the warmongers among us get their wish, the first faint glow of the fiery destruction and end to our society and modern world -- awaiting those foolish enough to embrace this way of death, and welcome with open arms its deceitful, arrogant, ignorant, self-destructive leaders with open arms -- will finally have its way with all of us.

    None of this, however, is the true missing key in modern education.

    These are merely the signs and symptoms of that expanding gap in the missing element of your public fools' education, which ultimately led us to this impasse, and -- along with our so-called "news" media propagandists -- will take us forward to so many more harmful and destructive events yet to come.

    The relentless march to self-destruction of this current age will continue, until you will finally feel like an allied World War I soldier on the front lines in France, being ordered to charge into a hail of machine gun and artillery fire, wondering IF you'll survive another minute, and how it all came to this.

From Controversy to Conflict

    How did it all come to this?   Why will it inevitable lead all of us to such dire consequences?

    The answer is partly seen in another, far more serious, tipping or turning point in modern education that preceded my own generation by about 50 years, which predictably (for those still knowledgeable then, or aware of history and its vital lessons) led to each additional and ever-worsening lowering in educational standards.

    Each new turning point in every subsequent generation (or degeneration) -- starting with World War II, and continuing with the Cold, Korean, and Vietnam wars of the 50s and 60s, through the Star Wars "detente" of the 70s and 80s, and finally into the Gulf War 90s and present Iraq War, so far -- is illustrative of the direction we will continue to go.

    Unless, that is, we repent of this foolish ignorance and turn back away from the brink of Armageddon!

It Can (And Will) Happen Here!

    It doesn't take a college professor to see where all this is about to take us next, despite the rosy outlook of foolishly trusting, gullible, "sitting duck" Americans, whose lives are about to be disrupted on a massively violent and devastating scale.

    This will catch most completely unprepared and off guard, like a Japanese resident of Hiroshima or Nagasaki the day when atomic holocaust rained down upon their unsuspecting heads, August 6th and 9th, in the year 1945.

    Many think this could never happen here, but that is all the more indication that it can and indeed will happen here!

    What, however, is that missing element of education that has been responsible for so much wanton bloodshed and violence, pernicious destruction and decimation of life around the world in the past and present century, which now threatens to surpass all that has gone before, with a worldwide conflagration such as this blood-soaked planet has never before witnessed or experienced, in its entire violent history?

What Missing Dimension?

    Presently, the massive flaw in your education can be likened to a group of blind people trying to shop with every shopping cart having no bottom.   As they try to pile in groceries and get to the check-out line -- crash, splat, smash, squish -- they leave a trail of debris behind, and in each others' path, and don't seem able to make any headway.

    Perhaps, like them, as you go along through your life, tripping over so much garbage in your path, you wonder what all the commotion is about, and just who -- rattle, tinkle, plop, thud -- is trashing the "store" that is your personal little world, little realizing that you are at least partly responsible for all the melee and tumult.

    Your blindness, however, prevents you from realizing this, and the confusing cacophony of other equally frustrated, would-be "shoppers" all around you, misleads you into thinking the trouble all lies elsewhere, and not with yourself personally.

    How can you know what is missing, when you trust in the supposed fact that there is nothing wrong with your educational "shopping cart," and that every possible choice has been put before you, is at your disposal, and that every possible educational dimension has been adequately covered?

    For that matter, how can your educators know what they were never taught, or even knew existed, due to their own faulty, flawed and deficient education?

Understanding Breakthrough or Breakdown?

    In fact, the gaping hole in modern education is so huge and glaring, that almost nobody dares to see it, or if they do become aware of it they immediately deny its reality for fear of what others might say or think of them, deny their own ignorance, and/or arrogantly rebel against the damning implications of this realization.

    Mind you, even telling you what this flaw -- this gaping hole -- in your education is would probably be somewhat like "treating" a manic-depressive by telling them: "Get real, and come to your senses!"

    Most of you who are reading this will be completely incapable of understanding it fully, if at all, much less recognizing and admitting this devastating truth about yourself.   There is a general breakdown in understanding due to the glut of conflicting information vying for you attention in today's media and marketing, educational and religious, political and patriotic, melting pot of propagandistic foofaraw.

    But your very survival depends upon you waking up from your nightmare "reality" and realizing -- then gradually admitting -- your own present sad state of ignorance.

    Only a breakthrough in thinking and understanding will help you transcend all that you might yet think you know, so as to leave you awed and shocked by your present condition, that it is at least worth my time, trouble and effort to give this a try.

The "Black Hole" Surrounding You

    First, however, it is important for you to realize exactly how this incredible defect crept into and tainted every aspect of our modern lives, like some invisible botulism breeding on warm, moist food, or toxin fouling your water, until they have become poisonous and possibly deadly, despite the alluring look, appealing aroma, or deceptive taste.

    Every single viewpoint, culture or segment of modern society has become infested with this practically unknown contamination, and its influence and effect are growing ever worse, more deadly, and potentially destructive -- with every passing day.

    This poisonous but often pompous ignorance has overspread first our religious and political institutions, and then it infiltrated our educational centers of learning, and from there it has snaked its way into every home, business, religious belief, government office, court and, in fact, every endeavor -- be it so-called "science," entertainment, news or media -- and into nearly every heart, mind and purpose under the sun today!

    This corruption is so overwhelming and engulfing that probably not one person in ten million is even aware of its existence, yet the missing facet it reveals lies largely unseen, unnoticed, and unsuspected, behind everything that exists in our modern world.

    This unseen dimension is the very reason why you and I even live and breathe, without which we could not sustain our own lives or conscious awareness for even one additional instant.

    Yet this fountainhead of all truly valuable knowledge, wisdom and real understanding is the most thoroughly misunderstood, generally despised, pompously denigrated, vilified, disparaged, defamed, slandered, libeled, tarnished, badmouthed, and falsely accused of all that is presently known to modern man.

    That being the case, is it any wonder that self-righteous, self-justifying, and crudely accusative men and women today remain so abysmally ignorant, uninformed, illiterate, unenlightened and deceived as to the very existence or true nature of their educational defect; not to mention the pervasive influence of their own oblivious, nescient, loutish and -- in fact -- primitive and barbaric educational black hole in relation to this vital area of knowledge?

A Light At The End of The Long, Dark Tunnel

    Be prepared for the shocking realization that is about to sink into the pit of your stomach, as you come to the gut-wrenching awareness of what was (at first) deliberately left out of the educational curriculum of educators three or four generations ago, which is now routinely neglected out of massive ignorance, pride, conceit and self-deception.

    The missing element in your education is the Law of creation, and of the Creators who made all that you know, or know about, in this world and universe (and so much more than you are presently aware exists)!

    Yes, the so-called "separation of church and state" in nothing more, in reality, than a flawed myth and cover-up, thrown over the truly grotesque reality that every incorporated church today IS the state (as in: state-created corporation and legal structure).

    And this church-state-educational Frankenstein monster is responsible for every single evil that has come into the lives of unhappy people the world over, including right here in once free, but now insecure, warmongering America.

    This Law is one of peace, tranquility, true freedom the likes of which America has never known -- from all strife, conflict, theft, deception, and even death itself -- yet not even the combined clergy of every so-called "organized" religion on earth has even the faintest clue about its continued existence.

    Much less do they suspect this Law's imperative, compelling and indispensable quality, or its unavoidable, inevitable and eventual decisive victory over every clouded, ignorant, conceited, vainglorious and rebelliously disobedient alternative that have darkened the landscape of our generations, ever since the beginning of humanity's history and long, sad sojourn here on earth.

The Glorious Brilliance of True Education

    Just as every night is always darkest just before a new day comes, even so is all modern knowledge, technology and understanding, compared to the blindingly brilliant beacon of wisdom that's about to knock every pin and leg out from under the violent, militaristic, commercialized, falsely religious and secular, legalistic and educational foundations of this age, of America, and of every other nation or peoples on earth.

    Disparage, ridicule, belittle, accuse or vilify this great PURE TRUTH if you like, but doing so will only lead you into unparalleled hazard and jeopardy.

    For you will soon (in this century) see this world's mighty and conquering benefactor subduing every last vestige of our modern mass insanity, sweeping it all into the dust bin of soon-forgotten history -- along with every monument, shrine, mausoleum and skyscraper dedicated to perpetuating the ever-worsening "status quo," of an ever more abnormal "normality," and way of death -- and you will no longer see or be able to find anything of modern so-called "civilization" anywhere on earth come that day.

    Mock, laugh or jeer at this prospect at your own peril, because you (as will I) will soon come face-to-face with your Maker and Savior, in judgment for all that you have said, done and thought in your life.

    Shouldn't you be preparing for that future reality today, with every urgent and fervent fiber of your being, now while there is still time?

    Like it or not, this is the enormous missing element and flaw in your own miseducation.   The only question that remains now is:

    "What are you ultimately going to do about it??

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