The PURE TRUTH Restored                          Vol. 1, No. 4

"WHY Restoration?"

(Originally published in The Pure Truth magazine, May-Jun 1997 Issue #28, ©1997, pp. 5-6)

    THE Savior, and many other scriptural prophets, spoke about a time in this end age, when a restoration of all things would be necessary. What does this mean, and WHY is such a restoration needed?

HE key objection most people seem to have against the fact that the truth needs to be restored today is fairly obvious.   What about the salvation of those who lived and died before the time came for this truth to once again be openly revealed?!?

    Since the true sacred name is the only name of salvation (Acts 4:12), for instance, does this mean that nobody prior to the final end-age restoration and revelation of that name (Acts 2:21; Romans 10:13; cf. Joel 2:32) will be saved; that nobody prior to that restoration has qualified for salvation, or will be in the first resurrection?

    Of course not!

The Examples of Righteous Men

    Abraham is called the "father of the faithful" (Romans 4:16-18), and rightly so, because he believed; in other words, he was convinced or persuaded to rely upon the knowledge of truth revealed to him, in assurance that the promised reward would be secure to those who are obedient to that Law of truth.

    Yet Abraham never knew the only name of salvation (Exodus 6:3)! His belief in the promise of the resurrection, however, and his willingness to live by that conviction, was accounted to him as righteousness (as if he did know the name of salvation; Hebrews 11:8-12; Romans 4:19-22), and those who believe (have faith) in the truth today can also have righteousness credited to them as well, even though they may be ignorant of how to obey all ten of the Commandments perfectly (Galatians 3:6-9; Romans 4:23-25).

    However, when the name was revealed to Moses (Exodus 3:13-15), who was also a man who believed -- had faith -- and obeyed accordingly (Numbers 12:7; Hebrews 3:2, 5), he did not reject it because it was new and previously unknown to him!

    Similarly, once the truth about this third commandment is revealed to us, we must believe (have faith) in that name (Acts 3:16), if we hope to find salvation (Acts 4:12), rather than rebel against that great truth or harden our hearts against it (Hebrews 3:7-19)!

    Moses didn't say or even think, like many today might: "If Abraham didn't know about this, and it isn't revealed in any scriptures, then I just will not accept or believe it!"

    Neither did Abraham say, or even think: "If Adam and Noah didn't believe that all nations are to be blessed through me -- even though I am obviously elderly and still without a son or heir -- then why should I believe it?"

    Neither of these righteous men hardened their hearts against the newly revealed truth that was given to them! Instead, they truly believed it and obeyed what they were told! How many "religious" people today would, or could, do the same? Can or will you?!?

A Test of Your Faith!

    When scripture prophesies that, in this end time, key truths need to be restored (Acts 3:21) by a prophet specially sent to reveal them (Deuteronomy 18:18-19; Acts 3:22-23) -- a prophet like, or with the same spirit or power of EliYahv (Malachi 4:5-6; Matthew 17:11; Mark 9:12), and like the Baptist, who came to prepare the way for the Savior's first coming (Luke 1:17, 76-77; Matthew 17:12-13; Mark 9:13), to prepare the way for the Savior's second coming -- do you believe this?

    Or, like most, do you foolishly believe that scripture is complete and the Bible is perfect, and anything different from what we already think we know simply must be wrong or evil, since "everyone knows all truth has obviously been preserved" over the centuries!?

    But if that's really true, what became of the great apostasy prophesied by the Apostles, and even by the Savior Himself (Matthew 24:10-11; Mark 13:5-6, 13, 22; Luke 21:8), which took hold even while some of them were still alive to witness this tragic event (II Thessalonians 2:7; I Timothy 5:15; I John 4:3)?

    Is it, as some falsely believe, still future, or didn't it actually begin in the first century and has been ongoing, building and growing ever since, until it will ultimately reach its final bestial climax and fulfillment at the very end of this wicked age (Revelation 13:1-18, 19:19-21)?!?

    If the majority are actually right, then where are the many false prophets that were foretold to be so prevalent in this age? On the other hand, if most or all of the ministers of modern Christianity are false, how can it be the perfect faith and pure religion that this divided religious house claims to be?

The Meaning of REAL Salvation!

    Scripture reveals that there will be two resurrections from the dead. The first resurrection -- which comes before the millennial 1,000 year reign of the Savior on this earth -- will be more blessed than the second general resurrection which follows the millennium (Revelation 20:4-6, 11-15).

    Salvation simply means that, in whichever resurrection you come up, you are not then thrown into the Lake of Fire and destroyed! Yet, salvation for those who qualify for the first resurrection is obviously more blessed than for those who come up in the second resurrection (Revelation 20:6).

    This is because the second resurrection is merely a physical resurrection, and those who come up in that resurrection will need the fruit from the Tree of Life to heal them and keep them alive from then on (Revelation 22:2); whereas those in the first resurrection will be spiritually-quickened, and cannot die because they will have spiritual, self-renewing life within them (I Corinthians 15:12, 35-55; cf. Revelation 20:6).

    Read carefully what Paul wrote, and you will learn that he was not just talking about our physical bodies in this lifetime, but that after being resurrected only some would have spiritually-quickened bodies, while the others would be merely physical (mainly, however, Paul was writing about the first resurrection; I Corinthians 15:52)!

    This is part of the great "mystery" about which Paul wrote (verse 51), which has not been understood before now, in this age!

    Notice how scripture reveals this fact, for those with the eyes to see and the ears to hear. The second death has no power only over those who come up in the first resurrection (Revelation 20:6), whereas those who come up in the second resurrection -- if their names are not found still written in the Book of Life -- will be thrown into the Lake of Fire and destroyed (Revelation 20:7, 12-15)!

    The reason that there will no longer be any death, pain or suffering in the new heavens and new earth period (Revelation 21:4), even though there will be physical people there (just as Adam and Eve were created physically perfect and placed in the Garden of Eden; which is a type of this coming paradise), will be because people will then be able to freely partake of the fruit of the Tree of Life (Revelation 22:2)!

    If everyone will be spirit-quickened beings by then, as some erroneously teach, there would no longer be any need for the nations to be healed, or for the Tree of Life to even exist (notice how our Creator calls things exactly what they are; the meaning is plain and obvious once you realize this fact).

YOU Are Being Called!

    The Tree of Life gives continued physical life to all of those who are part of the second resurrection! Why is this fact so important for us to understand?

    Salvation is far more than just "getting to heaven," as most Christians teach and believe. It is qualifying for the first resurrection -- to be in the very KINGDOM of our Creator Yahveh, during the 1,000 year millennium -- that should be our ultimate goal.

    This involves giving up a great deal during this lifetime of what most people consider "necessary," and the sacrifices required are not to the liking of most people (Matthew 7:13-14; Luke 13:24-28).

    This is precisely why the Savior said that many who are last in this world (impoverished or destitute due to moral convictions) will be in the first resurrection, while those who are first (rich and immoral) in this world will be in the last resurrection (cf. Matthew 19:29-30; Luke 13:29-30).

    Obedience through belief in the restored truth is the defining, determining factor, in this or any prior age, that separates the two resurrections and rewards (Acts 5:29, 32; Romans 2:7, 6:16-18; Hebrews 5:9, 11:8; I Peter 1:22)!

    Today, the restoration of two of the Ten Commandments in particular (the third and the fourth), as well as a better understanding of the first two, is the defining line between those who will be saved (Acts 4:12) so as to be in the Kingdom (the first resurrection), and those who will not.

    The times of general ignorance are nearly over, and the time for the open revelation of these great ageless truths is almost at hand. While our Creator "has winked at our times of ignorance, He now commands all people everywhere to REPENT" (Acts 17:30)!

    This means that all those who read about or hear this truth being taught, but refuse to obey the restoration of these commandments, are bringing themselves into judgment, for being wicked and rebellious!

    Indeed, it is by these very means that the chaff is being sifted from the wheat today! This process begins with all those who have pompously appointed themselves as religious leaders, either through Seminary or college training and by starting their own churches or religions, who profess to be teachers of the "truth" today.

    In fact, by this very means they are all actually being invited to attend the wedding banquet of the Lamb in heaven at the first resurrection, if they prove worthy (Matthew 22:1-7).

    Whoever follows such false religious leaders in their rebellion against these commandments will be condemned along with them, for foolishly placing their blind trust and hopes in a carnal man, rather than believing their Creator, and the servants He sends, and trusting them alone for true spiritual guidance.

    Today, the blind truly are following the blind, until all will finally fall into the pit of destruction together (Matthew 15:14, 23:16, 24; Luke 6:39; Romans 2:19-24), except they repent first!

Which Resurrection Will You Be In?

    It is the restoration of truth in this age -- whether or not most are aware of this fact -- that is increasingly bringing this present evil age into judgment, and one big step closer to the establishment of the millennial Kingdom here on earth!

    Happy are those who will learn about and believe (obey) this truth, and hold firmly to it until the very end (Matthew 10:22, 24:13; Mark 13:13; Luke 21:17-19; cf. Hebrews 3:14; Revelation 2:10)!

    As for those who believe that they are "already saved" (first) in this world, they should take heed. If they remain ignorant of this restoration of truth, and die unaware of this restoration of all things, they may or (most likely) may not come up in the first resurrection.

    If they do come up in the second resurrection (last) instead, only their good fruits (righteous acts or works) during this lifetime can possible save them from the Lake of Fire!

    Even then, they would never know the glorious blessing of being part of the first resurrection, to serve before the very throne of the Almighty Creator Yahveh, and the Lamb!

    Some, who count themselves unworthy of being able to share in such a blessing -- but who daily put to death the old man of sin, and deny themselves many of today's luxuries in order to serve the way of truth today -- may be pleasantly surprised to find themselves part of the first resurrection, when all they feel they really deserve is the second, if that!

    True humility is one of the keys to the Kingdom, along with real obedience (righteousness), patience, kindness, joy, peace, long-suffering, generosity, unfeigned concern and care, and above all, true belief!

    All of these fruits of the spirit are in short supply today, a fact which above all else reveals the crying need for the restoration of all things in this wicked end age.

    What kind of salvation will YOU receive, if any? It all depends on the choice you make here and now!

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