Entire Contents Copyright © 2005 • APT Publishing Ministries • All Rights Reserved

October 2005


Volume 1, No. 7

A Message From the Publisher:

    This is Hank Scott for The PURE TRUTH Restored...

    Are you ready for the death of science?

    The word science comes from the Latin word scientia, from scire, meaning "to know."

    In other words, science is supposed to mean knowledge, but to be truly useful this must be true knowledge.

    Modern science, like ancient medieval science, however -- though enjoying its greatest popularity and media propaganda heyday -- is proving to be false on so many fronts that its beginning to look like kindergarten variety knowledge as compared to the graduate-level expertise it promises and claims, but only pretends, to be.

    Modern science, as a discipline and as a means to reach, accept, understand and propagate the supposed truth about ourselves and the world in which we all live, is at best nothing more than a grade school primer, and at worst it is an outright fraud in too many respects.

    Although most alleged "scientists" today might bristle at these words of truth, this is the primary reason these words succinctly state the case and set forth a factual indictment against science, as we think we know it.

    For modern science in reality is something altogether different from what most people conceive it to be.   For example, it has been learned that researchers often "fudge" or alter their experimental results to match expectations, to get grant or research money that might otherwise be withheld.

    And the drug companies, which hold the purse strings for a lot of this "academic" work, have been known to bury studies that disagree with their profit-driven motives, even though those studies reveal life-threatening dangers in their drug-oriented approach, with specific drugs they intend to market, and spend millions to bring to market.

    Like gambling, prostitution, or any other vice known to modern man, science is prone to all the wicked twists and perversions of which human nature is capable.

    Some foolish "Christians" today think that Paul and his writings somehow twisted the meaning of the Savior's true message, and they blame all the wrong turns in their chosen faith on this source, rather than on what the Apostle Peter rightly pinpointed as the real source of the problem:

    "Bear in mind that our Sovereign's patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote with the wisdom Yahveh gives him.   He writes the same in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters.   His letters contain some things that are difficult to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do other scriptures, to their own destruction" (II Peter 3:15-16).

    Paul had something to say, prophetically, about these modern scientists, particularly in light of recent catastrophes and far worse things that are bound to come -- unless we wake up and repent of worshiping at the idols of science and so-called "evolutionary" style thinking -- in Romans 1, verses 18 through 23:

    "The wrath of Yahveh is being revealed from heaven against all unrighteousness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about Yahveh is evident to them, because Yahveh made it evident to them.   Because since the creation of the world Yahveh's invisible qualities -- His eternal power and righteous nature -- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.   For although they knew about Yahveh, they neither glorified Him as the Almighty One nor gave thanks to Him, but they became foolishly vain in their discussions and their unintelligent hearts were darkened.   Although they declared themselves to be wise, they became simpletons and exchanged the glory of the immortal Almighty Ones for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles."

    For example, man is depicted as developing from apes, rather than being formed from the dust of the ground in a miraculous creation by a wise and capable Creator.

    How can we know for certain that modern science has darkened hearts?

    We need look no farther than science's opinion of our solar system and the distant stars.   In their red-shift theory, for example, everything seems to point back to earth with an accusing finger, because the fault lies in this mistaken concept also known as the "big bang" or "the expanding universe."

    In truth, evidence of high red-shift quasars emerging from the midst of low red-shift galaxies is being ignored and vilified by "mainstream" scientists, because it means the size and age of the universe are unknowns, rather than the supposed "knowns" they are assumed to be, and that many of the "distant" stars are really a lot closer than assumed.

    Modern science doesn't even correctly understand our own sun, which it claims to be a giant ball of nuclear chain reactions from an intensely-heated core, supposedly created by gravity from gases that commonly escape the earth's gravity.

    Yet every suppressed fact so far gathered from satellites and by other means, belies this false 19th and 20th century concoction.

    Rather than informing or reforming scientific opinion, these facts have been pompously swept under the rug of supposed scientific "infallibility," much as the facts of a round earth that revolves around the sun were once similarly treated in an earlier dark age.   All who do not stick to the status quo "understanding" and theories du jure are today also proclaimed the equivalent of heretics, fools or knaves.

    But the facts reveal that our sun actually has a relatively cool interior, as seen through the eyes of sun spots, which are like windows into the sun's much cooler surface, and its atmosphere is actually composed not of burning gases but of plasma discharge electrical activity very similar to lightning, and ball lightning in particular, here on earth.

    The power source for the sun, therefore, is actually external to the sun itself in an electrically-charged universe wholly different from that presently conceived by modern science.   The sun, in reality, is like a huge positively-charged anode, which needs a negatively-charged cathode (as in a dual or binary star system, to feed it with continual electrical activity, much as comets are not dirty snowballs but are actually electrically charged planetoids throwing off sparks as they travel through the solar wind-fed electrically-charged space of our solar system.

    Does this mean that the auroras at both north and south poles are, in reality, an interaction between an interior light source within a hollow earth, formed like a hollow geode rock from plasma discharge electrical activity, and the exterior sun?

    Or are we somehow wiser than the author of Genesis who said that light was created on the first day, but the exterior sun that we know was not created until the fourth day?   Or do we know more than wise Yaveb, who said of Creator Yahveh in Job 26:7:

    "He spreads out the northern skies over empty space; He suspends the earth over nothing"?

    And what else could Revelation 9, verses 1, 2 and 11, chapter 11 verse 7, chapter 17 verse 8, and chapter 20 verses 1 and 3 mean -- when they speak of a "bottomless pit" -- unless there are openings that either go straight through a hollow earth, as from one pole to the other, or from the outer surface to an inner surface, as in a shaft or pit, as described?

    Either scripture is true and modern science is full of deceptions, or its the other way around.   Whatever you choose to believe, I will not put my faith in modern science or carnal, sinful humanity to reveal the hidden truths of creation, and the Almighty Sovereign Creators these reveal.

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