The PURE TRUTH Restored                          Vol. 1, No. 8

"Do You Have Wrath Insurance?"

(Originally published in The Plumb-Line of Truth, Vol. 2, Issue No. 9, 2003, pp. 1-2)

    BEING "fully insured" is the thing that most people today strive for.   However, this supposed "protection" is only a racket instead, and cannot insure you against heavenly wrath, should you incur it, any more than it can or intends to pay off most claims.

NSURANCE, in reality, is a pool of people who agree to foot the expense in advance of any unanticipated tragedy striking, against the lives, property, or the livlihoods of any portion of those in the pool, who become victims of natural or manmade calamity.

Bogus Insurance?

    While the idea of coming to the mutual assistance of those who are suffering and in need -- due to unexpected disaster -- is a noble one, it does nothing to prevent such events, and in some cases actually encourages them.

    Carelessness and recklessness are often the mindset of those who think they are "insured" and "protected" against the worst, and some even try to cheat or rob the insurers with inflated or fraudulent claims.

    The insured are also just as often bilked by bogus denials of legitimate claims by the insurers, or find their premiums increased or their insurance coverage dropped entirely.

    This can happen simply for the "sin" of just inquiring into what their insurance does or doesn't cover specifically, which the insurers view as fishing around for a reason to file a claim.

    From "frivolous" or outright fraudulent claims to bogus or dishonest insurance "coverage," this means is proving increasingly incapable of protecting us against dire disasters, and particularly from certain circumstances that are deemed as acts of the Creator.

    The larger the number of victims in any given pool of insured people, the more likely it is that insurance cannot make good on its promises of "fully" paying all legitimate claims, and the more certain it is that such events are the act of an angry Creator!

    Why, though, should a supreme Being be so angry with us, as to allow or cause such catastrophic calamities with increasing frequency and severity?

    More importantly. how can we insure ourselves against the calamitous consequences of incurring heavenly wrath against ourselves?

True Reality vs. Presumed Reality

    The obvious answer is, of course, that we should not incur such righteous anger in the first place. And this means being and staying innocent of any and all wrong-doing -- even the carnal thought that prompts us into such sins -- that results or leads to such wrath.

    Or else we must learn to humbly and quickly repent of such sins or thoughts, with the sincere intention -- and taking effective action to insure -- that they will never again be repeated.

    Little children soon learn to understand what unacceptable behavior might incur the wrath or anger of their parents, and (usually) joyfully accept the limits of their activities with the explanation that this is what is best for them and everyone else concerned.

    We adults, and often older children, however, often chaff over any restrictions on our own activities. We tend to think of ourselves, all too often, as the "ultimate" authority over our own lives, and that nobody else has any "right" to "boss us around" or to interfere with our pursuits of pleasures, property, or what we think of as power, position, or prestige.

    We look at those who restrict and restrain themselves willingly from the usual, sometimes dangerous, commonplace activities in which the entire carnal world tends to exalt and revel, as being "losers," or not living "in the real world."

    In fact, the reality of which most people are all too unaware -- as seen by those who must often live frugally and patiently, sometimes enduring privation or foregoing present pleasures -- is that the possible blessings or curses of our Creator must be taken into account before we decide on any course of action.

How Insured Are You, Really?

    It should go without saying that only those who live humbly, even meekly and kindly, in the present world -- in obedience to every law and requirement of our Creator, as commanded through Moses and the prophets of old -- are enabled to survive catastrophic judgments which increasingly fall unexpectedly, suddenly and violently upon the wicked, the disobedient, and the rebellious.

    Just as a sophist named Pilate once asked: "What is Truth?" ("John" 18:38), many today hide behind self-imposed willful ignorance, by similarly asking themselves: "What is wicked?"

    The definition of what the world assumes is sin tends to change, and so also does the definition of what is now thought to be "right" or "good," increasingly embracing that which before was thought wicked, as now supposedly "acceptable" behavior.

    Acceptable to wicked people, perhaps, but definitely not acceptable -- nor even long tolerable -- to our Creator parent, who soon disciplines His errant children in wrath for their willful disobedience, and will punish all unrepentant rebels with the ultimate death penalty, known in scripture as the Lake of Fire!

    There is insurance against such wrath overtaking us, of course, but it can only be "purchased" through obedience and humility, and our Creator's grace.

    Even then this mercy or grace can never be earned, for we have all already incurred the death penalty, and can only receive the hope of life, through the resurrection from the dead, by the merciful sacrifice of the Savior, the only truly righteous man, whose death paid the death penalty for all who will humbly repent.

    Only by being thus counted among the Creator's chosen elect can you be insured against His eventual wrath, which is now being felt today, more and more, in the form of disaster after tragic disaster.

    And this will continue until the entire unrepentant world is finally consumed by His fiery wrath in righteous judgment upon the guilty wicked!

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