The PURE TRUTH Restored                          Vol. 3, No. 10

"Are You Following The
14 Steps To Salvation?"


    MANY people talk about, hope for, and lay claim to the concept of salvation, but in fact few if any of them realize there are actually 14 Steps, outlined throughout scripture, that alone can lead you to salvation.

O single step is more or less important that any other, when it comes to obtaining salvation, yet only one or two seem to have become the exclusive focus of various religious professions of faith that claim to be able to guide you toward this worthy outcome, almost if not entirely to the exclusion of all the other vital steps.

    And practically nobody today actually accepts or teaches the first, primary, most essential step to salvation -- the source and where it all begins -- without which so many have been falsely deceived and misled into accepting a false "salvation" that, in fact, is nothing more than self-delusion for so many.

    Since it is assumed that YOU don't wish to be found, come judgment day, counted among the number of those many who are so deluded about the most important endeavor and purpose for your life (or else you probably wouldn't still be reading this), shouldn't you pay rapt attention to the guidance of the Spirit who is seeking to teach you a more perfect Way?

    The following 14 Steps to Salvation -- distilled from scripture through the inspiration of the Sacred Spirit (the Father, or Ancient of Days) -- are listed in their relative order of importance, although they are revealed as being of equal importance in the quest for obtaining the reward of never-ending life and unforfeitable blessings through the process called salvation.

Step 1 -- Worship Only Creator Yahveh

    The name Yahveh has little or no significance to the modern world, and little wonder considering the evil nature of most human activities in this end age -- so driven by greed, hatred, lust, gluttony and laziness, just to name a few of the prevalent vices that, though all past ages and people have been guilty of them, are so indicative of the age in which we now live -- that are growing by leaps and bounds.

    As things go from bad to worse, from war to terrifying war, and from one resulting "natural" disaster to another, few are stopping to think and ask why.   What is the cause for the increasing evil effects that are only just beginning to plague humanity.

    The reasons -- whatever they're assumed to be, by most commentators on the subject, from secular to religious and from layman to scholar -- are really all summed up in the first three commandments against false worship, idolatry and not honoring the only name of the true Creator of heaven, earth and all living things or beings.

    The general, pervasive and near total ignorance presently existing on this subject is summarized by the Savior's true name -- without the knowledge of which you have not yet started to follow the difficult and persecuted path that alone leads to true salvation -- which is Yahvsave (meaning: Yahveh who is our Savior).

    Never heard of Him by that name?   In an age overflowing with idolatry in every conceivable form, color, shape and description, it's little wonder.   Yet it is ONLY through this name that you can achieve salvation, if we are to believe inspired scripture (Acts 4:12)!

    All else is nothing but false supposition at best, and wicked deception at worst.   Worship of imperfect or uninspired translation and publishing efforts, particularly when called "The Bible," is one of the chief idols and roadblocks to salvation, which very few venture past, responsible for the concealing and general ignorance on this subject today.

    You will not find this true transliteration into modern English of the Saviors true name revealed by any other source today, other than through the one called, inspired and sent to you with this precious gift of salvation to this age.

Step 2 -- Ask / Knock / Seek

    So many believe or think that they are asking, knocking and seeking out our Creator's will in their lives, or for the benefit of others, yet so few are willing to accept the truth when it is revealed to them.

    What about you?   Did you automatically accept or reject out of hand the mere possibility that what is revealed above, concerning the first step to salvation, is true?   Did you at least leave open the door of possibly accepting this fact, based on proof?

    If you truly are seeking salvation you should be willing to ask the right questions, such as: "What if I'm deceived, and need to change my mind, viewpoint and direction?"   In other words, do you recognize the need for repentance from all dead works and the absolute requirement that you embrace the truth and commit yourself to truly righteous works suitable for obtaining salvation?

    If you think you are knocking, did you first attempt to discover the right "door" at which to knock?   Or have you just assumed that any old religious training, such as you may have learned in your gullible youth, is sufficient?

    Look at it this way -- considering all the competing religions and "secular," but actually religious even if anti-religious, persuasions (including the media, governments, schools, business and science, to name but a few) -- if you were trying to visit with a friend or family member, would you go knocking on just anyone's door?

    Or wouldn't you first get the address, directions, or a map and perhaps even a compass, before you went looking for someone you hadn't seen in years, if ever?

    Why would you even bother, unless you thought or felt you and they had something in common?   And what do you have in common with your Creator more important than His wisdom, knowledge and perfection combined with your need to know, be taught and to learn?

    Which leads us to the third step:

Step 3 -- Be Humble and Willing to Learn

    So many start off on the wrong foot -- assuming they or their religion, whatever they've always been taught, is "correct" or "true" -- that they never bother to open their eyes and ears to pay attention, learn where they may be wrong, and obtain the skills and knowledge needed for them to actually achieve salvation.

    The humility of a little, teachable child is not how most approach the topic of salvation, so it's little wonder that so few find, much less ever accept, the true Way of life today.

Step 4 -- Learn and Obey the True Word

    Striving to obey all spiritual law -- the commandments, statutes, judgments and, in fact, every word that proceeds from our Creator's mouth -- is essential to this process called salvation, but this is a step so few today are willing to take.

    Most assume they already do this, or are not required to do this, but few if any know anything about the subjects of clean versus unclean (which is more than merely "ceremonial"), or sacred versus the profane or common, for instance.   Many assume purity of their intentions, thoughts and actions without truly understanding (or caring about) all that is required of us to fulfill these vitally important spiritual requirements.

    How knowledgeable are you, and how willing are you to learn all about the laws, statutes and judgments of Yahveh?

    Once you do begin upon such a study, it is inevitable that you will learn how disobedient, rebellious and actually lawless you have been or are, which should lead you to take the very next essential step toward salvation (or else you are incapable of receiving it).

Step 5 -- Repentance From Sin

    To repent means to change course and direction, to go a different way, and sin is defined as disobedience to the laws, statutes and judgments of Creator Yahveh (I "John" 3:4).

    Yet so many are being misled to believe that such law is either "old" and "done away with," supposedly abolished, "unnecessary" today, "nailed to the stake," or any of a number of other pseudo-religious contradictions of the Savior's plain, unambiguous and crystal-clear words:

    "Think NOT that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets; I have NOT come to do away with them, but to fulfill them.   I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will be any means vanish from the law until everything is accomplished" (Matthew 5:17-18).

    Isn't it curious that, despite the obvious meaning and intent of this statement, taken in it's full context of the remainder of this chapter, through the seventh chapter of "Matthew" (MattithYahv), so many "religious" voices today are raised in unison, attempting to contradict, deny, disparage and conceal this truth?

    Unless you turn away from (repent of) this actually sinful and lawless, rebellious attitude, you have not yet begun to take the first essential step toward salvation.   For how could you worship in the only name of salvation that is revealed only in the law and the prophets of original inspired scripture, as correctly translated and transliterated into any modern language (once you stumble upon a true and inspired source of that truth), if you have rejected that law as supposedly being unimportant?

Step 6 -- Baptism And The Laying On Of Inspired Hands

    The Apostles, up to and including Paul, all knew and taught the importance of various symbolical rites, solemn observances and acts -- such as "burial" of the dead, old body of sin by passing through, or immersion in, water as a symbol of death and resurrection -- without which you cannot receive salvation through the sacred spirit, which is conveyed only by the laying on of inspired hands (Acts 10:47-48, 18:24-25, 19:1-7).

    Very few today understand the need for, or uphold such traditions as these, which are taught in scripture (including total immersion, wine and unleavened bread once a year at Passover, and only unleavened bread -- bread without leavening -- for seven days after the Passover, for instance).

    Not even the baptism of repentance taught by Yahvhanan ("John") the Baptist himself was sufficient to convey the power of the indwelling sacred spirit of Creator Yahveh!   How much less are the feeble imitation, uninspired, counterfeit rituals of modern false religions able to lead you there?

Step 7 -- Confessing Your Faults

    Confession is rarely seen as an open and public admission of guilt, and throwing yourself upon the mercy of the heavenly court and Judge of heaven and earth, despite possible condemnation or rejection by your fellow carnal man and woman.

    Yet this is just what you must do, if you are to truly humble yourself to the level of a servant, spiritually, by sacrificing everything -- including your vain, pretentious, self-important self-aggrandizement -- so apparently important in our world of claimed esteem, prestige, honors and glorification of what are in fact base, contemptible, despicable, abominable and prevalent evils.

    Although this is counterintuitive, it is actually the only way or course open for you to take, that can ultimately lead you to salvation.

(Continued Next Issue)

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