Entire Contents Copyright © 2007 • APT Publishing Ministries • All Rights Reserved

Sept.-Oct. 2007

Summer/Fall Issue

Volume 3, No. 11

A Message From the Publisher:

    This is Hank Scott for The PURE TRUTH Restored...

The Quality of His Mercy

    When reading the historical scriptural record a carnal man or woman will tend to misjudge the events and Creator revealed thereby, particularly in relation to the concepts of supposed judgment and mercy.

    Yet the same carnal attitude predominates in our modern world in the form of the strict, stringent, unyielding law of contracts.   A man, if judged to be in his right mind, can literally voluntarily contract his life away -- as so many do with military enlistments, for example -- without legal recourse.

    One nation of people -- the descendants of Abraham -- according to scripture, made a binding life or death, blessings or cursings contract with their Creator/Savior, following the exodus from slavery in Egypt.

    The promises or rewards for their obedience to the contract these people entered into, and the penalties or judgments for disobedience or violation of that covenant, are laid out in Deuteronomy 27:9 thru chapter 28, verse 68.

    In addition to the original covenant, known as the Ten Commandments, and other statutes and judgments -- as recorded in Exodus 19 thru chapter 24, and repeated briefly in Deuteronomy chapters 4 thru 6 -- the covenant was renewed in Deuteronomy 29, promising prosperity for repentance (turning away from disobedience to become obedient), as recorded in Deuteronomy 30, verses 1 to 10, and the entire life or death nature of this contract was set forth in Deuteronomy 30, verses 11 thru 20.

    This law or covenant was read every seven years, during the year in which all debts were canceled (every seven years), at the Feast of Tabernacles, to acquaint each new generation with its provisions, requirements, promises and the penalties for disobedience, as covered in Deuteronomy 31, verses 9 thru 13.

The Covenant Through the Ages

    Several centuries after the fulfillment of many of the promises made in that covenant, such as founding the ancient nation of Yasrael and giving it rest from all its enemies through various judges, and finally King David and his son Solomon, an important event took place that reveals -- like no other recorded event in history -- the quality of your Creator's mercy.

    The pagan nations displaced by the nation of Yasrael, besides being squatters and trespassers upon land promised long before to Abraham and his descendants -- foreigners who were engaged in various horribly wicked practices, involving human sacrifices, cannibalism, and sexual perversions (such as incest, bestiality, etc.) -- were driven out or wiped out, according to the same just judgment displayed by the Great Flood in Noah's time.

    Then, only a single man -- and through him, his wife and their three sons and their wives -- escaped death and destruction, when the evil and violent preflood races of humanity were all destroyed suddenly and violently, suiting their bloodthirsty and wicked nature (as recorded in Genesis chapters 6 thru 8).

    There was a covenant made with Noah and his sons, and through them, all of their future descendants on earth, as outlined in Genesis 9:1-17.

    It was the same covenant made with Adam and his descendants -- the promise of deliverance and salvation, ultimately, through the coming of the promised Son of Man, "the second Adam."

The Creator Died For YOU!

    This Savior, or Messiah, incredible as it may sound, was none other than the very Creator Himself, who made the first man and woman from the dust, and gave them the ability to reproduce and populate the entire earth, and gave their species the ability to be dominant over all other species.

    Thus, people are not -- as some wrongly believe -- the "new dinosaurs," in danger of extinction, but rather are a unique creation of a merciful, ever-caring Creator who later came to live and then die as a man, to insure the success of His ultimate purpose for humanity.

    Your Creator suffered and died for you!

    He lowered Himself, divesting Himself of all His former glory and immortality, to become a mortal man, subject to all the same urges, temptations, and weaknesses as you and I.

    His sacrifice on YOUR behalf is, without a doubt, the epitome of His caring concern for all His sinning children, for He died so that you might live, and He did this while humanity was still sinful and deserving only of death.

    This, more than anything else, defines not only His righteous attitude, hope and ultimate plan for humanity, but also the undying quality of His perfect mercy.

    You can do nothing better with the life He gives you with every breath, than to follow His example in helping convey the quality of His mercy to our fellow mankind.

    And you can best accomplish this through deliberate but discerning, and wisely-directed, acts of kindness, and also by supporting this work with your prayers, tithes and regular freewill offerings.

    Then, together, we can proclaim for all who will listen and heed, the quality of His mercy and the certainty of His wrath upon the unrepentantly disobedient and rebellious of this age, in the near future.

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Entire Contents Copyright © 2007 • APT Publishing Ministries • All Rights Reserved