The PURE TRUTH Restored                          Vol. 3, No. 11

"Are You Following The
14 Steps To Salvation?"


    MANY people talk about, hope for, and lay claim to the concept of salvation, but in fact few if any of them realize there are actually 14 Steps, outlined throughout scripture, that alone can lead you to salvation.

O single step is more or less important that any other, when it comes to obtaining salvation, yet only one or two seem to have become the exclusive focus of various religious professions of faith that claim to be able to guide you toward this worthy outcome, almost if not entirely to the exclusion of all the other vital steps.

    And practically nobody today actually accepts or teaches the first, primary, most essential step to salvation -- the source and where it all begins -- without which so many have been falsely deceived and misled into accepting a false "salvation" that, in fact, is nothing more than self-delusion for so many.

    Since it is assumed that YOU don't wish to be found, come judgment day, counted among the number of those many who are so deluded about the most important endeavor and purpose for your life (or else you probably wouldn't still be reading this), shouldn't you pay rapt attention to the guidance of the Spirit who is seeking to teach you a more perfect Way?

    The following 14 Steps to Salvation -- distilled from scripture through the inspiration of the Sacred Spirit (the Father, or Ancient of Days) -- are listed in their relative order of importance, although they are revealed as being of equal importance in the quest for obtaining the reward of never-ending life and unforfeitable blessings through the process called salvation.

(See: The PURE TRUTH Restored issue 10 for Part I)

Step 8 -- Keeping the Sabbaths and Sacred Days

    So far removed from the secular calendars of this age is the Sacred calendar revealed in scripture, of a year beginning with the spring the second half of which begins with the fall equinox new-cycle (month) sabbaths, and highlighted by Feast, fast and seventh-day sabbaths throughout the year.

    These times of rest, worship and spiritual learning are, in fact, unknown to most who profess days devoted to the worship of the sun, moon and planets, on dates which change throughout the seasons from one year to the next, although appearing on the surface to be an unbroken chain from a largely fanciful and fictional beginning at creation.

    In fact, beyond the hazy institution of these pagan days in the confusing mist of religious and secular traditions, no contemporary and actual proof of their alleged validity is possible.

    Based on this foundation of shifting sand all modern religions have built their imitation faiths and counterfeit beliefs.

    Since the true sabbaths can fall on any day of the modern secular, but false-religion based, week most people assume the true week revealed by scripture to be false, judging it solely by the false worldly week and consensus of opinion.

    The very fact that all religions cannot be right, due to their many opposing, contradictory and incompatible doctrines, almost universally accept and worship this same false idol of a pagan-origin calendar today, should serve to warn you -- if you are wise -- against falling in line to follow the masses down this wide highway and broad (easy) road that leads to destruction in the end (cf. Matthew 7:13-14).

Step 9 -- Doing Right By Others

    The second greatest commandment is to do to others as you would have them do to you.   In scripture, the phrase is most revealing, which commands you to "Care for your neighbor as yourself" (Leviticus 19:18; Matthew 19:19; Mark 10:19, 12:31).

    In the original language of Ibreya (original "Hebrew") the word that is translated into English as "neighbor," reya, meant an associate, companion, brother, fellow, friend, husband and neighbor; in short, it implies friendly, intimate and personal relationships of all kinds, as embodied in the phrase "be a good neighbor."

    This is what some today would call civility, courtesy, politeness, consideration, amiability, diplomacy, cordiality, tact, respect and a number of similar concepts to, and synonymous with, neighborliness.

    In doing so, you cannot help but keep and obey all of the last six commandments given through Moses, which are to honor your parents ("honor" meaning to help them financially, when they are too old and incapable of providing for their own needs any longer; see, for example: Matthew 15:3-6; Mark 7:9-13), to not murder, not commit adultery, not steal, not give false testimony, and not covet or defraud anyone (Exodus 20:12-17; Deuteronomy 5:16-21; cf. Matthew 19:18-19 and Mark 10:19).

    This also includes, if necessary, giving up your life on behalf of others, such as by selling all your worldly possessions and helping the truly poor, those who have a poverty of spiritual understanding, wisdom or guidance and who lack someone to guide them in learning these spiritual riches that alone can bring to us and others all the blessings we seek and desire in life.

Step 10 -- Forgive Others Their Trespasses

    Another step toward eventual salvation -- and one which proves it to be an ongoing process involving the rest of your life, and not merely a supposedly already accomplished fact -- is the act of forgiving those who trespass against you, including anyone who acts as your "sworn" enemy.

    In fact, you will not be forgiven unless you forgive others, which means you cannot gain salvation if you refuse to forgive anyone else who humbly and contritely seeks it (cf. Matthew 6:12, 14-15, 18:21-35; Mark 11:25; Luke 6:37, 11:4).

    This does not mean you must turn a blind eye to willful, malicious, deceitful or other sinful conduct, for the condition is that the other person must repent of their crimes against you, and must seek and ask for your forgiveness, or respond to your attempts to gain or regain their respect with humility and repentance (which is change, cf. Matthew 18:15-17; Luke 17:3-4; II Corinthians 2:6-11).

    You also do not have the "right" to "forgive" those who are the enemies of your and their Creator, for that is actually toleration of unrepentant evil.   It is, naturally, only His place to condemn or punish -- for He alone knows each man's and woman's heart and their true motives -- and you simply cannot tell how or when even a murderer might truly repent.

    However, signs of such repentance, if true, would include a trespasser's every voluntary and sincere attempt to repay their debts to those they have so grievously wronged.

Step 11 -- Praise Your Creator and Rejoice Before Him

    Some would think this an odd requirement for salvation, but it is an essential step in the process; an offshoot of humility, meekness, forgiveness and self-control, perseverance, brotherly kindness, and caring concern (cf. II Peter 1:5-7).

    Being cleansed of your past sins (verse 9) is certainly cause to rejoice, and this is the state in which believers of the true Way are esteemed in their Creator's eyes.

    It is through praising your Creators that you cleanse your heart and mind of any lingering doubts, possible resentments, any root of possible bitterness that might otherwise creep in, overwhelm and finally defeat you, or prevent the Spirit from taking firm hold in your heart and mind.

    Praise is equivalent to honoring and confessing with your lips, before others -- even those who fail or refuse to believe -- and will become an ever-more perpetual aspect of those blessed to dwell in the Almighty One's House (or true congregation, today; see Psalm 84:4).

    The word "halleluYah" (or alleluYah) is literally translated: "Praise you Yah" (or Yahveh), and this phrase is found throughout the psalms and even in the prophecy of Revelation (cf. Psalms 104:35, 105:45, 106:1, 48, 111:1, 112:1, 113:1; Revelation 19:1, 3, 4, 6), and in dozens of other scriptures -- of which there are too many to cite here.

    Praising and thanking, or thanksgiving, go together like bread and butter, or toast and jam.   You really cannot have one without the other, spiritually speaking.

    Praise is, itself, an aspect of rejoicing, joy, gladness and happiness (cf. II Chronicles 5:13; Ezra 3:10-11; Nehemiah 12:24).

    Praise is also a form of sacrifice, of giving up of your life and time toward this end (Hebrews 13:15), something in which all of Creator Yahveh's servants will gladly participate (Revelation 19:5).

    Praise is often sung, and is a manifestation of singing (Psalm 9:11, 18:49, 27:6, 47:6-7, 68:4, 32, 75:9, 92:1, 108:3, 135:3, 144:9, 146:2, 147:1, 149:1, 3; Acts 16:25), and it is also part of the inspired playing of musical instruments to glorify our Creator (Psalm 150:3-5).

    Praise, in fact, is one of the best ways to find the Creator's blessings, through thankfulness for all His other blessings you already possess (including life, intelligent thought, food and clothing each day, etc.).

    A truly thankful, praising, rejoicing heart realizes the timeless truth:

    "Better the little that the righteous have than the wealth of many wicked; for the power of the wicked will be broken, but Yahveh upholds the righteous.   The days of the blameless are known to Yahveh, and their inheritance will endure forever.   In times of disaster they will not wither; in days of famine they will enjoy plenty" (Psalm 37:16-19).

    That is the very heart, meaning and essence of salvation.

Step 12 -- Tithing, Offerings and Other Sacrifices

    Giving back of a portion of Yahveh's blessings, in the form of sacrifices, offerings for the poor and genuinely needy, and required tithes -- ten percent of "your" net income (meaning, after taxes and expenses incurred in generating wages or profits) -- which you would not have but for Creator Yahveh's numerous blessings to make that possible, is another primary requirement and step toward achieving salvation.

    For it is evident from the parable of the rich man and Lazarus that a lack of compassion, charity, generosity and helpfulness from those with the means to give these blessings, can cost your salvation, and are contrary to the teachings of all the Law conveyed through Moses and the prophets (Luke 16:19-31).

    In fact, many of your blessings are dependent on your giving back the required tithe which is required by Yahveh's ministry or servants to survive and thrive, to bring you such lessons as are found in each and every issue of The PURE TRUTH Restored, without which many others like you -- those able and willing to receive these spiritual blessings of truth and salvation -- might not be reached (cf. Malachi 3:6-12).

Step 13 -- Sharing, Helping, Serving Others

    Becoming and remaining a profitable servant (or employee), a trusted and trustworthy messenger, teacher, assistant, aide or a loyal and available brother or sister in the true faith, is yet another of the often overlooked, but most vital, of the steps to salvation.

    How else could you actually do to others as your would have them do to you, without being helpful, considerate, sharing and willing to serve in whatever way your individual gifts and talents make possible? (See, e.g.: I Corinthians 12:1-31).

    Patience, kindness, forgiveness, mercy, protecting and having steadfast perseverance and unfailing endurance in the face of every obstacle and all opposition; these are a few of the hallmark fruits of the spirit that will be evident in those who shine forth as living examples of the Creator's truth, as revealed in those whose caring concern embraces even blessing their enemies and doing good for those who despise, slander, persecute or attack you (cf. I Corinthians 13:4, 7-8, 13; Matthew 5:44; Luke 6:27-31, 35-36).

    Without these, you have not yet begun to achieve salvation, for without these fruits and sacred attitudes, you are guilty of envy, boasting, pride, rudeness, selfish ambition, hostility, resentment or bearing grudges, and delighting in evil rather than rejoicing in the truth (I Corinthians 13:4-6).

Step 14 -- Endurance, Perseverance

    Overcoming all obstacles, in the end, is the only possible way to win the "race" of life, in which you struggle to gain the prize or reward of salvation at last (cf. I Corinthians 9:24-27; Hebrews 12:1; and also see: Ecclesiastes 9:10-11).

    For, in the final analysis, it is only those who fear Yahveh and who show this by keeping all His commandments, and realize this is their entire duty in life (Ecclesiastes 12:13), who have this wealth of spiritual knowledge and wisdom, by listening to and heeding the words of righteousness and collected, inspired words and sayings of the righteous servants of Yahveh who have preceded us -- and never solely the interpretations and translations, or versions or often privately twisted, misunderstood, mistranslated or otherwise perverted scriptures -- only that which originates with your one true Shepherd alone, who can and will gain salvation (Ecclesiastes 12:11).

    For clearly, salvation is not an already accomplished fact, for those who truly believe according to these timeless truths -- neither adding to (Deuteronomy 4:2, 12:32; Proverbs 30:6; Ecclesiastes 12:12; Revelations 22:18) nor taking away from (Deuteronomy 4:2, 12:32; Revelation 22:19) those precious, rare and inspired treasures -- but rather, salvation belongs solely to those who overcome, persevere, and hold fast these truths to the very end of their lives (Revelation 2:25, 3:3, 11).

    You must watch carefully, standing fast in belief (the true faith), with strength and courage (I Corinthians 16:13), stand firm in the freedom from sin and its dire consequences of death and, ultimately, permanent destruction in the Lake of Fire (Galatians 5:1, 13-15, 19-21, 6:7-8), never becoming weary of doing good, by never giving up (verse 9).

    You must stand fast in a worthy manner and in a united spirit, with the belief and glad tidings of the Savior's eventual salvation for all who look to and rely upon Him for their strength and joy (Philippians 1:27, 29-30, 2:1-2).

    You should acknowledge that you must eagerly await your salvation and Savior, who will soon return from heaven to bring everything -- every power on earth -- and everyone under His control, for the good of all (Philippians 3:20-21), and thereby stand firm in the hope of the Sovereign (Philippians 4:1).

    You will hold fast to all that is good, having tested everything, avoiding every kind of evil, always rejoicing, praying continually, giving thanks in every circumstance -- and never extinguishing the Spirit's fire or treating prophecies, or true prophets, contemptuously (I Thessalonians 5:16-22).

    Instead, you will respect those who labor long and hard to admonish, teach and encourage you, and hold them in the highest regard of true concern and care due to their work and labor, and you will live peacefully, warn the idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone, ensure nobody pays back wrong for wrong, and always strive to be kind and considerate of everyone (verses 12-15).

    You will also honor, respect and hold fast to inspired teachings of the actual pure truth, whether by the written or spoken word (II Thessalonians 2:15; cf. also: II Timothy 1:13), with a courageous heart strengthened with all good deeds and encouraging words (verses 16-17).

    You must be hospitable, care for what is good, be self-controlled, upright (honest), sacred and disciplined, and hold firmly to the reliable and trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that you can encourage others through sound teaching, and refute those who stand in opposition to it (Titus 1:8-9), thereby qualifying eventually to become an overseer or elder who is blameless, sober, and peaceable, rather than overbearing, quick or hot-tempered, violent, drunken or pursuing dishonest gain (verse 7).

    You must hold on to courage, and the hope by which you may stake a claim to being part of Yahveh's House, under His faithful Son, our Messiah and Savior, Yahvsave (Hebrews 3:6), not hardening your heart in rebellion, going astray and turning away from the laws, kindness, compassion and mercy of your Almighty Creators, through a sinful, unbelieving heart (verses 8-12).

    Rather, you must encourage, and be encouraged by in return, others each and every day, and hold firmly your confidence in the Messiah, from the beginning until the end (verses 13-14), holding fast to the belief you should profess, through the great High Priest in Heaven, who is Yahvsave, the Son of Yahveh (Hebrews 4:14).

    You must hold unswervingly to the hope your profess, because faithful is He who has promised you salvation, by considering how you can spur others (and be so motivated yourself) on toward caring concern and every good deed, work or act, by not forsaking your meeting together (if it is at all possible), and by encouraging one another, with those of like mind, heart and spirit -- all the more so as the Day of Judgment swiftly approaches (Hebrews 10:23-25; cf. Daniel 11:33, 12:3).

    Finally, you will hold firm and fast to Yahveh and Yahvsave's name, and never renounce your belief in Him/Them (Revelation 2:13) -- or deny His name -- by keeping His word (Revelation 3:8), and His command to endure patiently (verse 10).

The 14 Steps to Salvation Begin Here and Now

    If you will strive for perfection by following the 14 steps to salvation with all your mind, heart and being, then you are not far from obtaining the glory of actual salvation, as opposed to the weak, insipid imitation nonsense of being "already saved."

    It is as near as the end of your life and final transition -- through the resurrection from the dead finally -- into the glorious first resurrection for all those who have qualified here and now to receive that major, greatest blessing and reward from the Sacred Spirit, the Ancient of Days!

    But you can only obtain this through the one and only true Savior, and only if you start here and now, right where you are, through heartfelt repentance and sincere, unfeigned dedication of the rest of your life to the ideals and pure truth revealed in the 14 steps to salvation.

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