The PURE TRUTH Restored                          Vol. 4, No. 12

"Why Our Creator Is
Right To Be Angry..."

    MANY who profess belief in the Creator of scripture are, nevertheless, puzzled by the fact that He appears to be an ANGRY Almighty One.

OW do you reconcile a Savior who cares for us with a father who seems to hate and despise His very creation?

    Those who believe the Creator of the Old Testament was always angry and punishing have forgotten three very vital and important facts...

The Facts

    Fact 1: The Creator of the Old Testament is the SAME person as the Savior of the New Testament!

    That's right, the Father was first revealed to the world by His Son (Matthew 11:27; Luke 10:22; "John" 17:6).

    The Son came to dispel the myth that one (united) Almighty One meant only one being, and that there were actually TWO Creator beings, a Father and His Son, instead (Deuteronomy 6:4; "John" 10:30, 38, 14:10-11, 17:21-23).

    Fact 2: The Father and the Son are united in purpose, in heart and in attitude -- the Son is like the Father, who has all the same traits as the Son -- so that by knowing one you know both alike ("John" 12:44-45; 14:6-9).

    Fact 3: The Son is also depicted as angry and wrathful, as when He returns to earth and fights against the world's nations and their armies, navies, air forces, elite combat troops, special forces, SWAT teams and secret agents, in one penultimate climactic battle known as Armageddon ("John" 3:36; Romans 1:18, 2:5-8; Ephesians 5:3-6; Colossians 3:5-6; Revelation 6:16-17, 11:17-18, 14:9-11, 18-20, 16:12-16, 19:11-21).

Why Then Are The Creators So Angry?

    It seems hard or impossible for some people to reconcile what they think of as a Savior of "love" with a Creator who also hates, abominates, torments and destroys.

    So these professed "believers" suffer from split scripture disorder (like a split personality), in which they confine all the hate, anger and destruction to the "Old" Testament and the Creator it reveals (which they also obviously reject as "incompatible" with their beloved "New" Testament Savior of "love," peace and forgiveness).

    What is the pure truth, however?

    The fact of the matter is that both Testaments are the same, and give a unified, solitary witness to precisely the same Creator, who is both compassionate and angry, caring and hateful, merciful and capable -- even willing, at times -- of inflicting destruction and violence upon mankind.

    But how can these two seemingly polar opposites be reconciled?

    Here's how:

The Real Reason is Evil

    Think about this for a second...

    There is another being, called Satan the devil (meaning: the Adversary, the false accuser), who is revealed to be a very hostile, angry and destructive being, filled with wrath and rage (Revelation 12:3-4, 7-9, 12-17).

    Ask yourself: Why is this creature -- depicted as a serpent or great dragon -- so angry with mankind?   Why did this evil being tempt Eve, Adam, and every child that has descended from them -- including you and me -- into sinning against (disobeying the clear and unambiguous commands; I "John" 3:4) our Creator?

    You see, when you compare these two forces that are at work in our world, good and evil, you will soon learn (if you're honest and able to admit the truth) that our Creators are only angry in response to evil, which is destructive and divisive, and angry without just cause!

    Their adversary, on the other hand, is angry solely because he is insanely jealous and rebellious against their peaceful, compassionate ways, due to selfish ambition, pride, envy against and unjustified anger toward humanity.

The Origin of Real Evil

    Why take it out on us?

    Simply because the adversary, a created being himself, and formerly one of the angels who are very top archangels in authority under the Creators themselves (Ezekiel 28:12-16), knows the truth about the Creator's ultimate plan for humanity.

    And that plan is that certain people, those who prove themselves worthy, can become Mighty Ones themselves -- like their Father and elder Brother, the Savior, in every way -- never able to die, always living, superior in every way to every angel and all other people, who are capable of dying.

    Rather than rejoicing at this, the adversary decided to sulk, hated humanity without cause, and devised a plan to "prove" we are all unworthy of this most exalted and blessed achievement.

    It is the adversary who hates -- and has always hated, since evil came into his self-deceived heart -- without cause (Ezekiel 28:17-18).

    And what could our just, caring, benevolent and merciful Creators do but hate and abominate such unjust, unmerciful, uncaring and corrupt evil?

    You see, it isn't us, or mankind in general, that the Creators loathe, despise and abominate, but rather it is the evil we have embraced, and welcomed into our hearts, that they hate and want to eradicate.

Why Did The Perfect Creators Allow Evil?

    One thing the adversary and the rebellious one third of the angels who have foolishly followed him -- along with most of mankind in every age -- never understood, and still reject, is how merciful, caring and compassionate our Creators truly are.

    You see, they are ready, willing and able to forgive you for everything evil you've ever thought, said or done, if you will just return to them in complete and heartfelt, humble repentance, sorrowful yet rejoicing, and ready to serve them in whatever way they ask.

    What the adversary also never knew is that his entire rebellion is not only doomed to fail in the end -- resulting in his own destruction and the ultimate removal of all evil permanently (Ezekiel 28:18-19) -- but that he actually has been the very catalyst which helped bring about the final result he so despises and seeks to prevent.

    Yes, despite himself and all his evil plans, devices and schemes -- which began with violence in trade, by making people into slaves, like cattle, little more than a commodity to be bought, sold and traded (Ezekiel 28:15-16) -- the adversary has never been stronger than his very Creators, who are now in the process of turning his great rebellion and evil into the greatest blessing these Almighty Creators can bestow upon any of their created beings.

    That is to be born of the Spirit -- recreated as one of them, with life that can never end, along with all their creative power and glory -- for the very few among humanity who prove worthy and qualify for this great reward, come Judgment Day, in the first and most glorious resurrection!

The Savior's Real Purpose

    One thing most professed Christians fail to understand is that the Father they falsely despise in their hearts -- whom they think of only as the "Old Testament" Creator -- so cared for the people of this world, that He sent His only begotten Son to suffer and die for us ("John" 3:16; I "John" 4:9).

    Yes, the very same Creator of the Old Testament -- in fact -- lowered Himself to become a child in a human mother's womb; to be born, grow up, and then die unjustly (as a perfect man who never sinned), so that we -- you and me -- could have a way to be reconciled to the Father.

    He did this so that we might be rewarded with the gift of life, peace and security from death or suffering ever again, if we are humble, repentant and reconciled by the Father's merciful forgiveness.

    The Savior's blood sacrifice on your behalf has made all of this possible and available for you.

    Will you reject such a great salvation as your older Brother -- the Creator of the heavens and the earth, who formed Adam and Eve from the dust and breathed into them the breath of life -- has to offer you?

Rejecting Good to Embrace Evil?

    Those who unrepentantly harbor the false accusation in their hearts that the Creator Father is somehow wrong to be so angry with His creation will one day face the wrath of our compassionate Savior!

    You cannot falsely accuse the innocent (our Creators are innocent of any evil intent, despite being justly angry and wrathful against unrepentant and evil people), and expect to be rewarded with salvation.

    You cannot harbor such false accusations in your heart, against your just and perfect Creators, and be anything other than a child of the adversary, the father of all such lies, false accusations, liars, false accusers and rebels!

    It is, after all, such rebellion that brings their just judgments and wrath down upon the heads of the disobedient (cf. Daniel 8:9-12).   But this will not succeed forever.

    You must reject the false notion -- instigated by the adversary and false accuser -- that your Creators are in any way unjust, selfish, uncaring or unmerciful (the very traits of the false accuser and all those who follow in his rebellious, evil and violent ways).

Mercy To The Merciful

    If you expect mercy, you must be merciful yourself.

    That is why we must pray (and truly believe and mean it) for our Father to forgive us as we forgive those who trespass against us in any way.

    Of course, you cannot forgive unrepentant evil and rebellion against our Creators!   Vengeance is theirs, and they will repay evil with what it deserves, ultimately.

    Meanwhile, the very fact that you are alive today is proof of your Creator's mercy, because no matter how evil you are or have been (even if you think you've lived an exemplary life), they are waiting and willing -- desiring above all things -- to forgive you, if you'll only turn your heart and foot away from evil deeds, words, thoughts and intents.

    They want you to open your heart to humbly receive -- as a teachable little child -- their merciful Spirit, and learn to become just like them; perfecting yourself in righteousness, belief and praise through the power of their sacred Spirit (which is them, living in you; "John" 14:20, 23; Romans 8:9-11; II Corinthians 13:5; Galatians 2:20; Ephesians 3:17; Colossians 1:27; Revelation 3:20).

    Yes, praise is fitting for such benevolent, caring and merciful Creators, and we should open our hearts and mouths to confess our joy to an uncaring, merciless, unforgiving and evil world that -- like the adversary their father -- hates without just cause (although they believe otherwise), and seeks in reality to destroy all that is, and all who are, good.

    If you embrace good, and reject evil, in your heart you will be persecuted -- perhaps even to death -- just as our Savior was.

    But also, thereby, and only by and through the Savior's atoning sacrifice in your place, you can gain the ultimate reward of the righteous, which is real salvation!   

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