The PURE TRUTH Restored                          Vol. 4, No. 12

"The Beginning of
The World Is Near!"

    BRACE yourself.   It's about to start.

    "What?" you ask.

    The beginning of the world as you've never known it . . .

EACE on earth, with one King/Sovereign and one Kingdom ruling over all the earth.

    Not your cup of tea?

    Think again, because it's going to happen -- with or without you.

    But whatever you do, don't fall for the big counterfeit "One World Government" that's going to get here first.   Or the liars and frauds who are behind one of history's biggest con-game swindles!

What the World Doesn't Need Now...

    The world will not be united through the type of "love" (evol spelled backwards, or evil) its would-be adversary-led human despots have in mind.

    Neither will the world become "one" through commerce (such as the arms, drug or oil trades), or by everyone deciding for themselves what they think is good, right or just (cf. Deuteronomy 12:8).

    Instead -- human nature being what it is -- the world will only be united finally, and all nations will submit at last, to a real peaceful Kingdom only through fear!

    Now that may sound bad, but it all depends on why, and how, and who, and what will bring all this to pass.

The Big Counterfeit

    Like the counterfeit currency we call "money" today, the biggest fraud of all time will not only go undetected by the vast majority of the world's people, they will actually support and defend it with their lives.

    How ironic is that?

    The very means by which they will ultimately lose the battle of good over evil will be the one man they worship as the returning "savior" himself.

    You see, the world has been led to accept and worship a fake "savior," an image of a man entirely unlike the actual Messiah Himself, whose false pretense will be finally exposed for all to see by the very Sovereign he will falsely claim to be.

    The world's expecting a world-ruling King, but they will accept a cheap imitation faker, a real despot, instead.

    And all the earth's carnal people, those who will blindly follow the big counterfeit that's coming real soon now, will want to have it so:

    "All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast -- all whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world(Revelation 13:8).

    They will allow fake "miracles" to fool them into bowing down and worshiping the image of this beast, simply because a second faker -- a false priest -- will cause a form of lightning to strike the earth, among other things:

    "And he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men" (verse 13).

    This fraud kingdom will be more concerned with controlling people by restricting their ability to buy and sell, unless they first bear a (computer readable) mark on their right hand or forehead:

    "He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name" (verses 16-17).
What Name or Number?

    Without true wisdom, nobody will be able to count the number of the beast, which totals 666.

    There are many today who profess to know the meaning, according to various different attempts at superimposing gematria, a code of number-for-letter substitutions in various languages such as Greek, Latin and English.

    Yet they are just plain wrong, mistaken, misguided and false teachers.

    That's because they all fail to look to scripture first for the answer, for only inspired scripture can interpret an inspired prophecy such as this.

    But because it means looking into the Old Testament for the solution, where the number 666 is found several times, most "New Testament-only" religious zealots today refuse to see what they are blindly groping about in the dark to understand.

    What all the other would-be expositors of this prophetic enigma have failed to realize it that the number is not found in a name, but rather the name is to be found in the number!

    And in the Ibreyan (ancient "Hebrew") language, the phrase 666 (for numbers were actually letters or entire words, and not separate symbols) is a form of acronym, which is where the first letters of a phrase (such as the one representing the number 666) form another word.

    And this is exactly the type of simple code that has escaped the notice of all other (false) scriptural teachers to date.

Who Will Worship the Beast?

    Those whose names are not written in the Lamb's Book of Life are simply stated as being "all the inhabitants of the earth" in Revelation 13:8, but how can that be with so many Christians today?

    In I Kings 10:14 and Ezra 2:13 the first letters of the first three words in the Ibreya phrase for "666" (sus maveth susyam = Six Hundred Sixty; Strong's Concordance Hebrew Dictionary listing #'s 8337, 3967 and 8346) spell out the acronym for "semes."

    And the word semes in Ibreya (Strong's Hebrew Dictionary listing #8121) means, and can be translated as: "the sun."

    The last word literally translated "and six" (Strong's Hebrew Dictionary listing #8337, preceded by the Ibreya letter vav, or the conjunction "and" in English, is "v'sus."

    Now, in ancient Ibreya, it was common to transpose certain letters with other letters, and the letter vav was often transposed with the letter yod, and vice versa.

    If this transposition is made in this instance vesus becomes yesus.

    So the entire phrase hidden in the number 666, we learn, is "the sun yesus."

    In the only other scripture where the number 666 is found, the wording is slightly different, with a totally different but equally interesting result.

    In II Chronicles 9:13 the phrase translated 666 is: "sus maveth v'susyam v'sus" (literally translated into English: "six hundred and sixty and six").

    Taking the first three letters of the first three words as an acronym now produces the word: sem'v (Strong's Concordance Hebrew Dictionary listing #8034 with the added vav), meaning: "his name," and the final word, once again, is vesus, or yesus.

    So, literally, this could mean: "his name [is] yesus" (or "Jesus")!

The Reviled Servants of Yahveh

    Few, if any, today know that "Jesus" or "Yesus" was not the Savior's actual name.

    Based on a contraction of the Creator's name (Yod-He-Vav-He, or Yahveh in English), the Savior's true name was Yahvsave (Strong's Concordance Hebrew Dictionary listing #3091), meaning Yahveh our Savior.

    Today, in most bibles, that name is corrupted by translation, rather than transliteration (transposing a word into another language letter for letter, so as to sound the same as the original language word), in the Old Testament, as: "Joshua," "Jehoshua," and Jehoshuah." 

    Also prophesied in the same prophetic book is the advent of two witnesses, who will be feared, hated and reviled by all the wicked inhabitants of the earth (Revelation 11:10).

    These two prophets (verses 3, 6, 10) will be hated by the beast and false prophet, who will attack and, finally succeeding, kill them (verse 7).

    Doubtless, the world will falsely misperceive these two as the "beast" and "false prophet," and will fall for the lie that their pseudo-"savior" has triumphed over them, at least for three and a half days, during which time their dead bodies will lie in the street, unburied (verses 7-9).

Believe It Or Not -- The Beginning of The World Is Near!

    All of these things mean that the end of this old sin-corrupted world is drawing near.

    It's a lot closer than you might think!

    And when it ends, a new world, or age, will begin; a world in which peace and prosperity, real truth and justice will at last prevail and take root.

    Not before a lot of people perish first, however.

    The old must make way for the new, just as the old seed must be left behind in the dust, to produce a new crop come harvest time.

    Will you survive to see that harvest?  Or will you be among those who perish in their corruption, never having accepted the only true Messiah who alone can save you from this body of death?

    Only you can and will make that momentous, life-or-death decision!

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