The PURE TRUTH Restored                          Vol. 4, No. 13

"S.R.Y.P.L.A.* Explained!"
(*SeraYah Pela)

    HUMILITY precedes success, just as "pride goes before destruction, an arrogant spirit before a fall" (Proverbs 16:18).

OUNDATIONS are often formed for wholly carnal objectives; to preserve wealth, property and inheritance from government confiscation while pretending to be philanthropic and benevolent in primary purpose.

    Other organizations, brotherhoods, fraternities and societies of every description come into existence from time to time, and gain longevity, despite their sometimes covert, secretive, often anti-governmental or supra-governmental objectives.

    Others conspire to perpetuate false religious dogma, violence, hatred or subversive activities against other groups, governments, races or religions.

The Meaning of Society

    A society is basically an orderly community or mode of life that is social in nature, and the origin of the word "social," in Latin, is socius, which can be translated into English as either "companion" or "friend."

    Thus the Quaker religious movement, known as the "Society of Friends," is actually somewhat redundant, or could be interpreted as meaning "friends of friends," which might be a bit exclusivist, at least in name even if unintentional.

What the World Really Needs Now

    I have been a lifelong student of scripture, and for the past thirty years a teacher of the restoration of all things, as prophesied in both "testaments" therein.

    And one thing I have regretted over the years has been the fact that, to date, there has been no organized body of believers today that fulfills the conditions of the EliYahv-like prophet who was to come and accomplish the start of this restoration, in preparation for the Savior's return to complete that prophesied event at long last (Matthew 17:11; Malachi 4:5-6).

    The prerequisite for that event is stated in Malachi 4:4 as follows:

    "Remember the law of my servant Moses, the decrees and laws I gave him at Horeb for all Yasrael."

The Meaning of SeraYah Pela

    The decrees and laws, or statutes and judgments, that make up the torah or law given to Moses, as found in the first five books of the Old Testament -- from Genesis to Deuteronomy -- are embodied by "every word that comes from the mouth of Yahveh" (Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4).

    In fact, the Ibreyan (original ancient "Hebrew," not modern Hebrew) word for commandment, peh (see Strong's Exhaustive Concordance Hebrew Dictionary listing #6310), means: "mouth," "speech," or the spoken word; "the Word" being an apt description for the Savior Himself ("John" 1:1, 14).

    He came the first time working healings and other miracles that were wonderful to behold, and pele (Strong's Hebrew Dictionary listing #6382), literally meaning "a miracle," is also translated "Wonderful" as yet another apt description of the Savior found in Isaiah 9:6, as follows:

    "For unto us a child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulders.   And He will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Powerful Almighty One, Prince of Peace, Father of the coming age." (Septuagint; Alexandrine text.)

    The root of pele is pela (#6381), meaning: "to separate, i.e. distinguish," and la, in ancient Ibreya (#3863) meant: "If... would that!"

    This is translated "If only" in a scripture that reflects the final words of Moses, in his prophetic song revealing the course of history from his day through the still future time of great calamity coming upon the entire world, in a verse that pertains to this modern age, as it has to every age between then and now:

    "If only they were wise and would understand this and discern what their end will be!" (Deuteronomy 32:29).

    This is the full meaning of Pela, while SeraYah (#8304) means: "Yah has prevailed." Altogether, SeraYah Pela means: "Yah has prevailed by His commandment and Wonderful Miracle, the Word."

The Meaning of S.R.Y.P.L.A.

    Taken as an Acronym, the Ibreya spelling of SeraYah Pela, in fulfillment of the Savior's and Creator's stated purpose of restoring all things, I hereby formally announce the founding of S.R.Y.P.L.A., the Society for the Restoration of Yah's Perfect Law Accurately (or Aptly). 

    The Society's primary purpose is to be a company of friends or companions, dedicated to seeing the complete restoration of all things, as prophesied through the law revealed to Moses, in its full and intended splendor, glory and perfection.

    This, of course, will never be accomplished fully by anyone from this age, but only by the returning Savior, which we must look forward to, welcome and anticipate with our every thought, prayer, intention and action.

    There can be no more noble cause on earth today!

    Only in this way can any of us hope to work successfully toward the salvation of all life on this planet, and the end to all needless suffering under heartless, cruel and greedy taskmasters.

Our Motto

    The motto of S.R.Y.P.L.A. shall be: "Humility Precedes Success" (just as "pride goes before destruction and an arrogant spirit before a fall;" Proverbs 16:18).

    You are welcome to join us in this pursuit on behalf of The PURE TRUTH Restored and APT Ministries (meaning: "apt to teach," I Timothy 3:2; II Timothy 2:24; and "Apostles, Prophets and Teachers," I Corinthians 12:28; Ephesians 4:11).

    Annual dues to join the society are included in your regular tithes and offerings to APT Ministries, or APT Publishing, with a minimum of $2 each month, or $24 yearly, to offset the costs of providing a special password protected members-only access to a web-site and print periodic newsletter.

Watch this space for details on how to join us.

S.R.Y.P.L.A.'s Theme Song:

Worthy Is The Lamb

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