Entire Contents Copyright © 2008 • APT Publishing Ministries • All Rights Reserved

October 2008

Fall Feast of Tabernacles Issue

Volume 4, No. 14

A Message From the Publisher:

    This is Hank Scott for The PURE TRUTH Restored...

A Prophet's Woes!

    A prophet's life is never more difficult than when he must face the anger of his own relatives.

    Once I told my own mother, after my father's death in 1985, that her living with another man in a relationship begun after my parents separated was not legitimized after my dad passed away.

    "What began as adultery is not made right after the fact of a spouse's death," I told her, trying my best to explain our Creator's law in a genuine attempt to help her see the right path from the false one she had chosen instead.

    This was to earn my alienation from my mother for her remaining years, when she later learned that her "divorce" from my father had never been finalized by him.

    My mom had foolishly taken his word for it, possibly only implied and never actually stated, and had become involved in what was really a bigamist affair for several years, as one of my dad's final big jokes on mom that would reach beyond his grave, to shock her back to reality.

    That's when she remembered my words, a few months later, and accused me of having known all about this -- which I had not -- as my mom continued her vendetta against her husband until death, despite her wishes to the contrary, with me standing in as dad's proxy to receive her abuse.

    Though I had known nothing of the sort, my prophetic words would haunt my mom the rest of her life, when she refused to repent of her error, and compounded it by further alienating herself from her oldest son, more and more, over the following decade.

    Finally, one year before her death, my mother listened to slanderous accusations from several of my brothers, falsely accusing me of actions and motives of which I was entirely innocent, and refused to ever speak to me again.

    Mom died -- eight months to the day after we last spoke to each other, by phone on January 6 -- on September 6, 1996, which was three months after I published the account of the death of her bigamist "husband" in March (whom she hastily "remarried" after learning of dad's final jest at her expense), and an account of my maternal grandmother's death in May that same year, exactly 60 days after the bigamist's death.

    I published all this in the June 7, 1996 issue #2 of The Prophetic Notebook, a newsletter that I published from April 10, 1996 (40 days prior to my grandmother's death) through February 26, 2001 with issue #13, published the same day as my unlawful trial and sentence of "guilty" for a non-crime I had not committed).

    Both deaths followed a dream vision I received the night of January 13, 1996, warning me to "prepare for a death within five weeks' time."

    Exactly five weeks later, on February 18, 1996 -- after warning my brothers and younger sister to be prepared for a death in the family -- I published an account of this dream vision in the March-April issue #21 of The PURE TRUTH Restored magazine, on page 11.

    Then, five weeks to the day later, after mailing that issue, on March 22, the bigamist died, and was buried on March 25, exactly five weeks after most subscribers received their copy of this issue in the mail.

    This was also exactly 11 years and six days after my dad's death on March 16, 1985 -- whose funeral and burial did not take place until seven days later, on March 23, 1985 (the only funeral I have ever performed as a minister).

    The bigamist adulterer died one day prior to the 11th anniversary of my dad's funeral, and sixty days after his funeral on March 25, 1996, my grandmother -- mom's mother -- who died on May 20, was buried on May 24, one day short of nine weeks following the death of the bigamist.

    In the June 7, 1996 issue of The Prophetic Notebook I wrote about all this, and my mom's near fatal illness that winter, publishing this account exactly 13 weeks before my mom passed away, or 91 days inclusive (3 months precisely), the period of exactly one season in the sacred calendar revealed to me 18 years prior to these events.

    I was unable to attend my mother's funeral because of my nazarite vow, which I first took on October 16, 1985, exactly seven months after dad's death, and exactly three months (or 93 days inclusive of both dates) prior to Herbert W. Armstrong's death on January 16, 1986 while I was praying all night for a sign to confirm my calling, which had begun with two dream visions, the second of which, in 1980, concerned HWA's inevitable death.

    Remarkably, despite her attempts to distance herself from me the last year of her life, mom was tied to her oldest son the prophet in a way unforeseen by anyone, least of all my estranged brothers, when her death certificate was inexplicably delayed for more than five months.

    Though I had absolutely nothing to do with these remote events -- which happened in Missouri, while I lived in Texas -- and could not have influenced them had I tried, my mother's certificate of death was received by the local registrar on February 14, and was finally filed on February 20, 1997, on my 46th birth anniversary!

    This date is prominently displayed at the top of each copy -- a fact that must have rankled my estranged brothers considerably -- but I didn't learn of this until more than a month later, when my copy of her death certificate -- dated March 28, 1997 by the Missouri State Registrar of Vital Statistics -- finally arrived in the mail. Click Here to View

    While this may all be past history, the recent diagnosis and hospitalization of my second oldest granddaughter Anne Marie -- the oldest child of my second oldest child Elie -- with leukemia on the Feast of Reva this year, September 22, 33 days inclusive after her mother's 25th birth anniversary August 21 this year, bears notice.

    Why? Simply because all but the lead article of this issue of The PURE TRUTH Restored was written and prepared for publication in this issue weeks, and even months -- in the case of the article on America's REAL #1 Killer! disease -- before my granddaughter's diagnosis.

    So, although I might once again be falsely accused of "using" Anne Marie's illness to claim prophetic foresight that others would like to deny at all costs, the Spirit of Creator Yahveh prepared me in advance of these recent events, with every intention to publish now these articles on cancer, the true #1 killer of more Americans than even heart disease (see the article above for proof).

    Likewise, on the very day of our granddaughter's diagnosis -- prior to learning the outcome -- I received an email from our correspondent and good friend Bob Lim, from Malaysia, revealing the ultimate cause and cure for cancer, as discovered by a Chinese doctor's research some 50 years ago, whose recommendations have cured at least two others of terminal cancers, after they followed his advice.

    Bob had no way of knowing at the time about our granddaughter's sickness. The exact timing of his email, along with the intended subject matter for this issue, is more than mere coincidence can account for, but is just another day in the life of a prophet.

    A prophet speaks, hoping for the best possible outcome -- the repentance and salvation of those they must warn -- but must realistically accept the possibility that this might never take place, and that the ancient prophecies will be fulfilled against the wicked and rebellious; even if they are the prophet's  own children, or grandchildren.

    Not that Anne Marie, who is just 4 3/4 years old, is guilty of any rebellious sin but, as I also stated in an APT Update email mailed September 12 -- ten days prior to her diagnosis of cancer, and five days before she became deathly ill enough to be rushed to the hospital -- "Our children are protected by" our Creator's "angels when both parents are obedient before Him...."

    Our prayers, and mine in particular of course, are with our granddaughter, whose immune system is now being subjected to destructive attack by drugs and/or radiation, in a futile attempt to "cure" what can never be healed by such assaults.

    That's why cancer is considered "incurable."

    Modern medical-minded people know their treatments never cure cancer, and when someone is healed -- by simply following a proper diet, stress-free lifestyle and exercise regimen -- they call this a "miracle."

    The main miracle is that these supposedly scientific-minded charlatans are incapable of seeing their errors or acknowledging the true solutions to the modern plagues they in fact help to create, through their own ignorance and/or arrogance.

    And woe to anyone who blindly puts their faith in the idol of modern medicine to heal or save us from the plague of cancer!

    Everyone who totally trusts their lives, or the lives of those under their care, to such false "saviors" as these, is doomed to suffer the fatal consequences -- unless they repent completely and finally start to obey their merciful and forgiving Creator.

    Cancer is indeed curable, as any other disease is, but only once you start looking to the perfect Law of liberty, and seek salvation through obedience to the Creator, whose wisdom and mercy is revealed thereby. 

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Entire Contents Copyright © 2008 • APT Publishing Ministries • All Rights Reserved