The PURE TRUTH Restored                          Vol. 3, No. 11

"The Pure Truth About
The 'Serpent's Seed' Heresy

    THE origins of the "master race" idea stem from the concept of a "chosen people" found in the Bible.

    However, the pure truth be known, it was never all about race, but rather true religion -- as revealed by the faith of Abraham -- and those few capable of living up to the SPIRIT of peace, joy, wonder, praise, true nobility, purity, and actual truth, among other important concepts, regardless of racial lineage.

AD to say, the old "master race" paranoia and racist hatred posing as the "way of truth" has a lot of competition in our modern world.   This ancient evil masquerading as righteousness leaves everyone associated with it tainted with the odor of fear and tarred with the brush of paranoid suspicions and hateful accusations.

    Consumed with the "satan's seed" heresy -- as I will shortly prove it to be -- those who follow this line of faith are soon corrupted by its fear and paranoia-based "master race" propaganda, along with the racist belief that people must always marry and bear children only with others of their own race.

    How true is this belief in the light of what scripture reveals to be the true history of the "promised seed" and "chosen people" as they lived and understood the truth?

    Will you fall for a counterfeit faith, which follows the wide highway that leads the majority to destruction in the end, or will you instead choose to follow the narrow and persecuted way that leads to life?

Some True Premises...

    Please allow me to share with you what I know to be true, and not true, in light of what has been revealed to me.

    First, many -- perhaps most -- but certainly not ALL of those who call themselves "Jewish" today are not what they claim to be.

    They are descendants of Abraham, but not necessarily Yasraelite, rather more like descendants of Esav, and also from Noah's son Yapeth ("Japeth").   Arthur Koestler's The Thirteenth Tribe is a fairly accurate historical treatise on these facts.

    Second, fallen angels (aliens) did and have mixed their DNA with that of certain humans, both before the flood and afterward, and are doing so again today thru UFO abductions.

    This much is true.

...But Mostly False Conclusions

    However, the serpent's seed doctrine, in which it is proposed that Eve had intercourse with a preAdamic race to produce Cayin ("Cain"), thus contaminating her DNA, is simply false scripturally.

    Here's why...

    The Savior, to be the true promised offspring -- the Second Adam -- had to have a pure bloodline all the way back to Adam.

    Both his alleged earthly father Yavceph's ("Joseph's") ancestry, and his mother Mariam's lineage, as recorded in Matthew 1 and Luke 3 (He was the grandson of Eli ["Heli"] through His mother; Luke 3:23; His "father" being the son of Ya'acob ["Jacob"]; Matthew 1:16) clearly descended from Abraham (Matthew 1:2; Luke 3:33).

    Thus, through His mother Mariam, the Savior was descended directly from "Seth, the son of Adam" (Luke 3:38).

    In Genesis 4:1 we read that "Adam lay with his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cayin.... Later she gave birth to his brother Abel" (verse 2).

    So clearly, Adam was the father of both men, not some fallen angel of a preAdamic extraterrestrial race.

    Further, the Creator's words to Cayin are instructive of His revelation on the subject: "Yahveh said, 'What have you done?   Listen!   YOUR BROTHER'S blood cries out to me from the ground...which opened its mouth to receive YOUR BROTHER'S blood'" (Genesis 4:10-11).

    Finally, we learn that "Adam lay with his wife again," ("again" meaning this wife was Eve) "and she gave birth to a son and named him Seth, saying, 'The Almighty One has granted me ANOTHER child IN PLACE OF ABEL, since Cayin killed him'" (verse 25).

The Truth About Telegony

    Had Cayin been a result of a DNA contaminating pregnancy, Seth and all descended through him would have been likewise polluted, for according to Telegony, the mother bears the DNA of every male she has received sperm from, and this is passed down to all her children.

    (This is why a white couple can have a mulatto child, when the woman had previously given birth as a result of being impregnated by a black; conversely, a black couple, or oriental couple, etc., can also bear children with the white genetic strain due to the black or oriental woman having previously given birth to a child by a white man.)

    Telegony is well known among purebred dog and horse breeders, but is falsely denied by modern science in relation to humanity.

    There doesn't need to be a pregnancy, for the woman can absorb male hormones through the sex act alone, and thereby partakes of her sexual partner's genetic makeup (thus the "two shall become one flesh" -- Genesis 2:24), meaning women with multiple sexual encounters are incapable of bearing a pure genetic strain (which explains how a brother -- even if already married [implied possibility of commanded polygamy] -- can raise children for a dead brother thru his surviving widow; Deuteronomy 25:5-6).

    Therefore, according to these facts, Eve did not -- and indeed could not have -- produced offspring by another male other than Adam, else the Savior could not have been the promised seed, the genetic offspring of Adam and Eve solely.

Some Miscegenist Examples From Scripture

    That being said, recall also that the Savior's forebear Boaz (a descendant of Yavdah through the clan of Elimelech (Ruth 2:1, 3; cf. I Chronicles 2:3, 10-11, for "it is clearly apparent ["evident" KJV] that our Sovereign descended from Yavdah" Hebrews 7:14), and that David's paternal great-grandmother Raveth ("Ruth") was not Yasraelite, but was a Mavabiyath ("Moabite," Ruth 1:4).

    Mavab ("Moab") was the son of an incestuous act between Lot's older daughter with her father (Genesis 19:30-37), and the people of Mavab had been under the Creator's curse of not being allowed to "enter the assembly of Yahveh, even down to the tenth generation" (Deuteronomy 23:3).

    Despite this, the Savior counts this righteous woman as one of his forebears (who apparently was from the 11th generation or more since the prohibition commanded by Moses).

    Clearly, the 12 sons of Yasrael all took foreign wives, even though this practice was forbidden of certain races, such as Abraham forbidding his son Yatsaq ("Isaac") from taking a wife from the Canaanites (Genesis 24:1-3, 37; but notice that Yavdah ("Judah") did take a Canaanite as his wife; Genesis 38:2, who bore his first three sons Er, Onan and Selah ["Shelah"], verses 3-5).

    And Selah's descendants are counted among the chronicles of the Yasraelites, even though his mother was a Canaanite (I Chronicles 2:3, 4:21-23).

All Nations To Be Blessed

    Esav married two Hittite women (Genesis 26:34), who greatly grieved Yatsaq and Rebekah (verse 35), and they also commanded Ya'acob not to take a wife from among the Canaanites, as had Esav (Genesis 28:1, 6, 8).

    However, this was before the Law given through Moses forbade marriage with foreign women, once the Yasraelites came to possess the promised land, but this was due to the wicked practices of those foreigners (Exodus 34:15-16; Deuteronomy 7:1-4), and not solely because of their racial genetics (though, in some cases, the destruction of every man, woman and child of certain races, and even of their cattle, was apparently due to genetic -- as well as spiritual -- contamination).

    Creator Yahveh intends to bless all nations of the earth, through Abraham (Genesis 12:3, 18:18, 22:18, 26:4; Acts 3:25; Galatians 3:8-9), which is why salvation was offered to the Gentiles, a fact that did not set well with racists of the first century.

    Carrying on their same spirit of fanatic hatred toward all non-Yasraelite races today is certainly not in keeping with the revealed will of our Creator, any more than is hatred of polygamists, when Creator Yahveh plainly gave David Savel's ("Saul's") wives as his own (II Samuel 12:7-8).

The Real Fruit of the "Serpent's Seed" Heresy

    The sin bestowed by the "tree of the KNOWLEDGE of good and evil," translated into modern English, becomes the "tree of the SCIENCE of good and evil," and I think we can see plenty of that in modern attempts to tamper with genetics, cloning, etc., not to forget evolutionary idolatry.

    It is my duty to rebuke where I see the need for it, as I do with this "serpent's seed" doctrinal heresy, which I first learned about and disproved approximately 30 years ago.

    Those who unquestioningly embrace the "serpent's seed" heresy come to embody the very opposite of the fruits of the spirit outlined in Philippians 4:8, choosing rather to stoop to slander, libel, paranoid suspicions and false accusations, racist fears and self-righteous priggery, "having a form of 'righteousness' but denied its power" (2 Timothy 3:5).

    If you are wise, you will follow the admonition of the remainder of this verse and, when you come across such people and their false beliefs, you will "have nothing to do with them," for all the reasons cited in verses 2-4!

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